General Counsel/Legal
Department Functions:
The Legal Department, also known as the General Counsel’s office, is responsible for a variety of duties implemented by the agency. Such duties include: providing legal advice to agency head/Board during administrative hearings; handling appeals of agency administrative actions to district court and further appellate courts pursuant to the Kansas Judicial Review Act; responding to third party subpoenas; providing legal information on agency matters and testifying before legislative committees; drafting of proposed legislation and regulations; taking legal action against unauthorized/unlicensed practice of the professions regulated by the agency; pursuing collections of delinquent fines and costs owed to the agency; drafting regulations and Board policies; approving corporation names and verifying licenses of new shareholders for professional corporations; responding to requests for public records made pursuant to the Kansas Open Records Act; reviewing all agency contracts and handling of other legal matters for the agency; responding to legal questions from licensees, healthcare organizations, legislators and the public.
KSBHA General Counsel Help Desk:
If you have hypothetical questions that you would like for the Kansas State Board of Healing Arts’ General Counsel Department to address, please contact Questions must be hypotheticals and non-binding on the Board. The GC Department will attempt to respond to questions it can address as soon as possible. If the GC Department cannot answer your hypothetical question, we will attempt to refer you to the person who may be able to help you.
DISCLAIMER: Any and all statements herein should not be construed as legal advice for any particular situation or the establishment of an attorney-client relationship. The Kansas State Board of Healing Arts does not render legal advice or services. Any information provided by Board staff is for general guidance. The Kansas State Board of Healing Arts disclaims any responsibility and makes no warranties or representations whatsoever regarding the quality, content, completeness, or adequacy of the information provided on a particular matter. You may wish to seek legal counsel regarding your particular circumstances for a complete application of the law to your situation.
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