Education and Outreach

The Kansas State Board of Healing Arts (“KSBHA”), through its Education & Outreach Committee, is proactively increasing our efforts to reach out to applicants, licensees, stakeholders, program directors, professional associations, and others throughout Kansas to provide an opportunity for education and presentations.

Please email if you would like the link for any of these presentations.

In addition to our virtual scheduled presentations, we are also providing direct educational presentations. Currently, the following presentations are available:

The Board will be continually developing presentations. Additionally, we welcome ideas for specific presentations to meet the educational needs of those we license and interact with. If you are interested in having KSBHA give a presentation or would like to be added to our presentation mailing list, please email


Social Media Use – Healthcare Professionals - July 19, 2024

Kansas IMLC (Physician Licensing) Compact - April 22, 2021

KSBHA: Who We Are, What We Do, How We Do It - June 7, 2024

KSBHA: Investigations - June 21, 2023

KSBHA: Complaints - May 26, 2023