1994 Board Actions
NOTE: For actions occurring before 1990, there may be incomplete information posted on our website as these years are still under construction. If you are searching for a specific Board action which does not appear in this section, please make your request by email to KSBHA_openrecords@ks.gov, or by fax at (785) 368-7102, or by U.S. mail at Kansas State Board of Healing Arts, 800 SW Jackson, Lower Level- Suite A, Topeka, KS 66612. Additionally, the actions posted on the website are only provided for general information purposes and the Kansas State Board of Healing Arts does not warrant the completeness or accuracy. An independent verification of the posted information should be performed if needed for official use.
2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 |
2017 | 2016 | 2015
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1994 | 1993 | 1992 | 1991 |
1990 | 1989 | 1988 | 1987
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1977 | 1976 | 1974
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Licensee/ Registrant Name |
Location | License/ Reg. # |
Description of Action |
Action Date |
ALBRIGHT, Jerold D., MD | Hutchinson, KS | #04-13725 | Stipulation and Enforcement Order Modified. | 06-10-94 |
ALTAI, Bakir, MD | Hackensack, NJ | #04-25411 | Grant Temporary Permit and Permanent License. | 11-03-94 |
ARKELL, William J., DO | Kansas Ctiy, MO | #05-19177 | Stipulation. | 05-26-94 |
BAJSICKI, Dariusz, PTA | Darien, IL | #14-00889 | Third Temp Permit Denied. | 03-21-94 |
BEYER, Linda L., PTA | Wichita, KS | #14-00891 | Request to Sit for Exam Approved. | 10-20-94 |
BILANG, Bernardo G., MD | Largo, FL | #04-22595 | Revocation. | 04-07-94 |
BROOKS, Brian K., DC | Independence, KS | #01-03508 | Surrender. | 04-25-94 |
BROUN, Stephanie, PT | Pittsburg, KS | #9401422 | Temp Permit with Limitations Granted. | 02-16-94 |
BROWN, Deborah Kay, PA | Hutchinson, KS | #9402199 | Third Temp Registration Granted. | 03-21-94 |
CHUNG, Chi Wha, MD | Larned, KS | #T368 | Cancellation. | 06-13-94 |
CISKEY, William J., Sr, MD | Hutchinson, KS | #04-15549 | Reinstatement Granted With Consideration, Limitations and Monitoring. | 08-25-94 |
CLUGSTON, Mary M., RT | #16-01425 | Cancellation. | 04-08-94 | |
CONRAD, William, PA | Wray, CO | #15-00426 | Application Approved. | 03-29-94 |
COOK, Kenneth, M., RT | Topeka, KS | Application Denied. | 04-26-94 | |
CURRY, Douglas, W., MD | Wichita, KS | #04-25069 | Conditions/Reporting. | 04-12-94 |
DANKERT, Jill P., PTA | Wichita, KS | #14-00981 | Application for Examination Approved. | 10-26-94 |
DAVIS, Chester R., MD | Topeka, KS | #04-16732 | Stipulations. | 07-07-94 |
DAVIS, F. Jerome, DC | Chillicothe, MO | #01-03943 | Correction to Order. | 07-07-94 |
DAVIS, F. Jerome, DC | Chillicothe, MO | #01-03943 | Fine, Retroactive Modification. | 06-29-94 |
DAVIS, F. Jerome, DC | Chillicothe, MO | #01-03943 | Status Change Denied. | 05-02-94 |
DESHAZER, Tammy Lea | Belle Plaine, KS | #T9502034 | Application for Examination Approved. | 08-19-94 |
DIXON, Cathy Jo, RT | 2nd Temporary Registration Granted. | 10-20-94 | ||
EGLI, Ron, P.A. | Leavenworth, KS | #15-00428 | Application Approved. | 11-09-94 |
EUBANK, Margaret Leila, PA | Sand Point, AK | #15-00476 | Second Temp Registration Granted. | 02-09-94 |
FISHER, William A., DC | Carthage, MO | #01-03190 | Restrictions and Limitations Terminated. | 12-19-94 |
FITZGERALD, Rick J., MD | Liberal, KS | #04-27024 | Application Denied. | 02-18-94 |
FORSHEE, Gary K, DC | #01-03208 | Limitations, Education. | 04-12-94 | |
GARDNER, Glen M., MD | Prairie Village, KS | #04-14781 | Reinstatement Denied. | 02-09-94 |
GHASSEMI, Mohammad, MD | Kansas City, KS | #04-25500 | Licensure by Endorsement Granted. | 12-16-94 |
GRADY, Kenneth L., MD | Independence, MO | #04-14440 | Costs, Retroactive Reinstatement. | 10-26-94 |
GRAY, Captain K., MD | Lawrence, KS | #04-16656 | Retroactive Status Change. | 03-17-94 |
GRAY, Ruth Ann, PTA | Independence, MO | Application for Examination Approved. | 10-20-94 | |
GRIFFIN, Gary R., RT | Edmond, OK | #16-01709 | Registration Granted. | 12-16-94 |
GRIGNON, Alan H., OTA | Shawnee, KS | Application Denied. | 06-20-94 | |
GURBANI, Suresh Govindram, MD | Lenexa, KS | #94-03867 | Temporary Permit Granted. | 03-29-94 |
HAYS, James E., MD | Joplin, MO | #04-25106 | Monitoring, Reporting and Limitations | 08-01-94 |
HECK, Samuel, DO | Licensure by Endorsement Granted. | 12-16-94 | ||
HENDERSON, Jeffrey L., PA | Wichita, KS | #15-00238 | Limitations, Restrictions and Conditions. | 02-23-94 |
HUET-VAUGHN, Yolanda, MD | Kansas City, KS | #04-19814 | Dismissal. | 07-15-94 |
HUET-VAUGHN, Yolanda, MD | Kansas City, KS | #04-19814 | Attorney Fees Awarded | 07-05-94 |
HUNG, Lien Ai, MD | Larned, KS | #08-00250 | Institutional License Granted. | 12-21-94 |
JHAVERI, Urmila, MD | Kansas City, MO | #04-25350 | Application for Licensure by Endorsement Approved. | 05-02-94 |
JOHN, Sheeja, OT | #17-01511 | Second Temporary Registration Granted. | 10-20-94 | |
JONES, Jerald R., Jr., PA | Wichita, KS | #15-00303 | License Granted With Stipulation and Fine. | 04-16-94 |
JONES, Jerald R., Jr., PA | Wichita, KS | #15-00303 | Denial of Reinstatement | 03-16-94 |
KAIRA, Richard Maina, OT | Charlotte, NC | #17-01013 | Second Temp. Registration Granted. | 12-13-94 |
KAKAKHEL, Masroor Ullah, MD | Denver, CO | #T304 | Extension Denied. | 08-18-94 |
KAY, Billy F., MD | Houston, KS | #04-13277 | Status Change Denied. | 06-20-94 |
KNARR, William M, DO | Shawnee, KS | #05-19184 | Suspension | 03-12-94 |
KRAFT, Jeffrey G, DO | Salina, KS | #05-24228 | Limitations, Monitoring. | 01-14-94 |
LACEY, Ronald L, MD | Bolivar, MO | #04-24503 | Requirements Terminated. | 08-18-94 |
LADO, Robert A., DC | Topeka, KS | #01-03984 | Conditional Expiration of License | 10-17-94 |
LONG, Walter K., MD | Kingwood, TX | #04-25357 | Application Approved. | 08-18-94 |
LUBANGA, Alice Amukasa, OT | Charlotte, NC | #9500969 | Second Temp Registration Granted. | 12-13-94 |
MAKESH, Nesian Jean. OT | Boone, NC | #9401147 | Withdrawal, Dismissal. | 08-18-94 |
MALISZEWSKI, James, MD | Overland Park, MO | #04-25242 | License by Endorsement Granted with Stipulations. | 07-05-94 |
MCDOWELL, William J., MD | Daphne, AL | #04-21082 | License Granted with Monitoring and Stipulation. | 02-15-94 |
MOESSNER, Samuel E., MD | Manhattan, KS | #04-22492 | Withdrawal of Application Granted. | 06-10-94 |
MORRIS, Brenda C., RT | Lecompton, KS | #16-00149 | Registration Cancelled. | 03-28-94 |
MUUI, Geoffrey Weru, OT | Charlotte, NC | #17-01174 | 2nd Temporary Registration Granted. | 12-16-94 |
MWANGI, Benson G., OT | Charlotte, NC | #17-01175 | 2nd Temporary Registration Granted. | 12-16-94 |
NASH, Robert A., MD | Evanston, WY | #04-10914 | Limitations, Education. | 10-18-94 |
NGUYEN, Tri D., MD | Garden Grove, CA | #04-18443 | Reinstatement Denied. | 12-13-94 |
NOGA, Gregory, PTA | Mesa, AZ | #14-00901 | Application for Examination Approved. | 08-22-94 |
ODINGA, Samwel O., OT | Nevada, MO | #17-01176 | Revocation. | 08-18-94 |
OLYGEE, Sayed Mojtaba, MD | Leawood, KS | #04-25364 | Waiver and Licensure Granted. | 08-18-94 |
OOMMEN, Jacob Saj, MD | Scottsdale, AZ | #04-25365 | Licensure Granted. | 08-18-94 |
OSOBA, William G., MD | Wichita, KS | #04-10764 | Surrender. | 08-16-94 |
PIROTTE, Thomas P., MD | Joplin, MO | #04-17906 | Reinstate License. | 06-09-94 |
POLLAND, Stephen M., MD | Monument, CO | #05-14356 | Retroactive Modification of Licensure Status. | 10-28-94 |
PSALTIS, Phillip Edward, MD | St. Joseph, MO | #04-25459 | Grant Temporary Permit and Permanent License. | 10-24-94 |
RANGEL, Christopher John, PTA | Newton, KS | #95-01857 | Approved to Sit for PTA Exam. | 08-22-94 |
RICHTER, Mary Lou, PTA | Hanover, KS | Approved to Apply to Sit for PTA Exam. | 10-20-94 | |
RIESMAN, Jeffrey A., MD | Kansas City, KS | #04-23942 | License Surrendered. | 04-18-94 |
SACHEN, Fred L., MD | North Kansas City, MO | #04-18754 | Retroactive Modification of Licensure Status. Costs. | 10-27-94 |
SAKHARE, Ahsa Vinsen, OT | #95-01138 | Grant 2nd Temporary Permit. | 10-20-94 | |
SAVAGE, Michelle I., RT | Holton, KS | #16-01741 | Grant 2nd Temporary Registration | 05-17-94 |
SCHEERGER, Larina K., PTA | Belle Plaine, KS | #14-01014 | Approved to Apply and Sit for PTA Exam. | 08-19-94 |
SCHRAGE, Kelly J., RT | Atchison, KS | #95-00967 | 2nd Temporary Registration Granted. |
10-28-94 |
SCOTT, Charles E., PA | Topeka, KS | Stipulations. Monitoring. | 03-16-94 | |
SISCO, Tamea R., DC | Newton, KS | #01-04297 | Temporary Permit Granted | 06-20-94 |
SMITH, U. Duane, MD | Ellsworth, KS | #04-20504 | Energency Limitation. Stayed. New Limitations. | 10-17-94 |
SMITH, U. Duane, MD | Ellsworth, KS | #04-20504 | Energency Limitation. | 02-09-94 |
STEIN, Brenda Ann, MD | West Lafayette, IN | #04-23815 | Retroactive Reinstatement Granted. | 11-03-94 |
STEPHENS, G. Gayle, MD | Birmingham, AL | #04-10377 | Reinstatement. Fine. | 04-02-94 |
STEVENS, Mildred I J, MD | Garnett, KS | #04-09397 | Revocation. | 12-16-94 |
STEVENS, Mildred I J, MD | Garnett, KS | #04-09397 | Ratification of Temporary Emergency Suspension. | 06-10-94 |
STEVENS, Mildred I J, MD | Garnett, KS | #04-09397 | 2nd Temporary Emergency Suspension | 05-25-94 |
SULZMAN, David Patrick, PA | Wichita, KS | #15-00464 | 2nd Temporary Registration Granted. | 03-18-94 |
THAKKAR, Heena Narayandas, OT | Charlotte, NC | #9500973 | Second Temp Registration Granted. | 12-13-94 |
TOLEDO, Antonio Timbol, MD | Minneapolis, MN | #04-25469 | Application Approved. | 11-04-94 |
TURNER, Robert Charles, MD | Topeka, KS | Licensure by Endorsement. | 05-02-94 | |
VAN AS, Andre W., MD | #04-25070 | Licensure by Endorsement | 03-29-94 | |
VASIREDDY, Jhansi R., MD | Kansas City, Kansas | #94-04286 | Extension Denied. | 06-09-94 |
VENKATESH, Latha, MD | Leawood, KS | #04-22538 | Retroactive Reinstatement. | 11-27-94 |
WEATHERHEAD, Craig C., DC | Belleville, KS | #01-03642 | Retroactive Reinstatement. | 12-27-94 |
WEINSTEIN, Charles L., MD | Kansas City, MO | #04-15070 | Retroactive Reinstatement. | 02-09-94 |
WILCOX, Kimberly Kay, PTA | Third Temp. Permit Denied. | 10-24-94 | ||
WILLIAMS, Barbara Lynn, RT | Fredonia, KS | #9500999 | Second Temp. Registration Approved. | 10-21-94 |
WILLIAMS, Dale, MD | Ada, MI | #04-25552 | Endorsement Approved. | 12-13-94 |
WILLIAMS, Dale, MD | Ada, MI | #04-25552 | Limitations. | 09-13-94 |
WILLIAMS, Gail R., MD | Norman, OK | Endorsement Denied. | 06-20-94 |