1994 Board Actions

NOTE: For actions occurring before 1990, there may be incomplete information posted on our website as these years are still under construction. If you are searching for a specific Board action which does not appear in this section, please make your request by email to KSBHA_openrecords@ks.gov, or by fax at (785) 368-7102, or by U.S. mail at Kansas State Board of Healing Arts, 800 SW Jackson, Lower Level- Suite A, Topeka, KS 66612. Additionally, the actions posted on the website are only provided for general information purposes and the Kansas State Board of Healing Arts does not warrant the completeness or accuracy. An independent verification of the posted information should be performed if needed for official use.

A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z

Registrant Name
Location License/
Reg. #
of Action
Action Date
ALBRIGHT, Jerold D., MD Hutchinson, KS #04-13725 Stipulation and Enforcement Order Modified. 06-10-94
ALTAI, Bakir, MD Hackensack, NJ #04-25411 Grant Temporary Permit and Permanent License. 11-03-94
ARKELL, William J., DO Kansas Ctiy, MO #05-19177 Stipulation. 05-26-94
BAJSICKI, Dariusz, PTA Darien, IL #14-00889 Third Temp Permit Denied. 03-21-94
BEYER, Linda L., PTA Wichita, KS #14-00891 Request to Sit for Exam Approved. 10-20-94
BILANG, Bernardo G., MD Largo, FL #04-22595 Revocation. 04-07-94
BROOKS, Brian K., DC Independence, KS #01-03508 Surrender. 04-25-94
BROUN, Stephanie, PT Pittsburg, KS #9401422 Temp Permit with Limitations Granted. 02-16-94
BROWN, Deborah Kay, PA Hutchinson, KS #9402199 Third Temp Registration Granted. 03-21-94
CHUNG, Chi Wha, MD Larned, KS #T368 Cancellation. 06-13-94
CISKEY, William J., Sr, MD Hutchinson, KS #04-15549 Reinstatement Granted With Consideration, Limitations and Monitoring. 08-25-94
CLUGSTON, Mary M., RT   #16-01425 Cancellation. 04-08-94
CONRAD, William, PA Wray, CO #15-00426 Application Approved. 03-29-94
COOK, Kenneth, M., RT Topeka, KS   Application Denied. 04-26-94
CURRY, Douglas, W., MD Wichita, KS #04-25069 Conditions/Reporting. 04-12-94
DANKERT, Jill P., PTA Wichita, KS #14-00981 Application for Examination Approved. 10-26-94
DAVIS, Chester R., MD Topeka, KS #04-16732 Stipulations. 07-07-94
DAVIS, F. Jerome, DC Chillicothe, MO #01-03943 Correction to Order. 07-07-94
DAVIS, F. Jerome, DC Chillicothe, MO #01-03943 Fine, Retroactive Modification. 06-29-94
DAVIS, F. Jerome, DC Chillicothe, MO #01-03943 Status Change Denied. 05-02-94
DESHAZER, Tammy Lea Belle Plaine, KS #T9502034 Application for Examination Approved. 08-19-94
DIXON, Cathy Jo, RT     2nd Temporary Registration Granted. 10-20-94
EGLI, Ron, P.A. Leavenworth, KS #15-00428 Application Approved. 11-09-94
EUBANK, Margaret Leila, PA Sand Point, AK #15-00476 Second Temp Registration Granted. 02-09-94
FISHER, William A., DC Carthage, MO #01-03190 Restrictions and Limitations Terminated. 12-19-94
FITZGERALD, Rick J., MD Liberal, KS #04-27024 Application Denied. 02-18-94
FORSHEE, Gary K, DC   #01-03208 Limitations, Education. 04-12-94
GARDNER, Glen M., MD Prairie Village, KS #04-14781 Reinstatement Denied. 02-09-94
GHASSEMI, Mohammad, MD Kansas City, KS #04-25500 Licensure by Endorsement Granted. 12-16-94
GRADY, Kenneth L., MD Independence, MO #04-14440 Costs, Retroactive Reinstatement. 10-26-94
GRAY, Captain K., MD Lawrence, KS #04-16656 Retroactive Status Change. 03-17-94
GRAY, Ruth Ann, PTA Independence, MO   Application for Examination Approved. 10-20-94
GRIFFIN, Gary R., RT Edmond, OK #16-01709 Registration Granted. 12-16-94
GRIGNON, Alan H., OTA Shawnee, KS   Application Denied. 06-20-94
GURBANI, Suresh Govindram, MD Lenexa, KS #94-03867 Temporary Permit Granted. 03-29-94
HAYS, James E., MD Joplin, MO #04-25106 Monitoring, Reporting and Limitations 08-01-94
HECK, Samuel, DO     Licensure by Endorsement Granted. 12-16-94
HENDERSON, Jeffrey L., PA Wichita, KS #15-00238 Limitations, Restrictions and Conditions. 02-23-94
HUET-VAUGHN, Yolanda, MD Kansas City, KS #04-19814 Dismissal. 07-15-94
HUET-VAUGHN, Yolanda, MD Kansas City, KS #04-19814 Attorney Fees Awarded 07-05-94
HUNG, Lien Ai, MD Larned, KS #08-00250 Institutional License Granted. 12-21-94
JHAVERI, Urmila, MD Kansas City, MO #04-25350 Application for Licensure by Endorsement Approved. 05-02-94
JOHN, Sheeja, OT   #17-01511 Second Temporary Registration Granted. 10-20-94
JONES, Jerald R., Jr., PA Wichita, KS #15-00303 License Granted With Stipulation and Fine. 04-16-94
JONES, Jerald R., Jr., PA Wichita, KS #15-00303 Denial of Reinstatement 03-16-94
KAIRA, Richard Maina, OT Charlotte, NC #17-01013 Second Temp. Registration Granted. 12-13-94
KAKAKHEL, Masroor Ullah, MD Denver, CO #T304 Extension Denied. 08-18-94
KAY, Billy F., MD Houston, KS #04-13277 Status Change Denied. 06-20-94
KNARR, William M, DO Shawnee, KS #05-19184 Suspension 03-12-94
KRAFT, Jeffrey G, DO Salina, KS #05-24228 Limitations, Monitoring. 01-14-94
LACEY, Ronald L, MD Bolivar, MO #04-24503 Requirements Terminated. 08-18-94
LADO, Robert A., DC Topeka, KS #01-03984 Conditional Expiration of License 10-17-94
LONG, Walter K., MD Kingwood, TX #04-25357 Application Approved. 08-18-94
LUBANGA, Alice Amukasa, OT Charlotte, NC #9500969 Second Temp Registration Granted. 12-13-94
MAKESH, Nesian Jean. OT Boone, NC #9401147 Withdrawal, Dismissal. 08-18-94
MALISZEWSKI, James, MD Overland Park, MO #04-25242 License by Endorsement Granted with Stipulations. 07-05-94
MCDOWELL, William J., MD Daphne, AL #04-21082 License Granted with Monitoring and Stipulation. 02-15-94
MOESSNER, Samuel E., MD Manhattan, KS #04-22492 Withdrawal of Application Granted. 06-10-94
MORRIS, Brenda C., RT Lecompton, KS #16-00149 Registration Cancelled. 03-28-94
MUUI, Geoffrey Weru, OT Charlotte, NC #17-01174 2nd Temporary Registration Granted. 12-16-94
MWANGI, Benson G., OT Charlotte, NC #17-01175 2nd Temporary Registration Granted. 12-16-94
NASH, Robert A., MD Evanston, WY #04-10914 Limitations, Education. 10-18-94
NGUYEN, Tri D., MD Garden Grove, CA #04-18443 Reinstatement Denied. 12-13-94
NOGA, Gregory, PTA Mesa, AZ #14-00901 Application for Examination Approved. 08-22-94
ODINGA, Samwel O., OT Nevada, MO #17-01176 Revocation. 08-18-94
OLYGEE, Sayed Mojtaba, MD Leawood, KS #04-25364 Waiver and Licensure Granted. 08-18-94
OOMMEN, Jacob Saj, MD Scottsdale, AZ #04-25365 Licensure Granted. 08-18-94
OSOBA, William G., MD Wichita, KS #04-10764 Surrender. 08-16-94
PIROTTE, Thomas P., MD Joplin, MO #04-17906 Reinstate License. 06-09-94
POLLAND, Stephen M., MD Monument, CO #05-14356 Retroactive Modification of Licensure Status. 10-28-94
PSALTIS, Phillip Edward, MD St. Joseph, MO #04-25459 Grant Temporary Permit and Permanent License. 10-24-94
RANGEL, Christopher John, PTA Newton, KS #95-01857 Approved to Sit for PTA Exam. 08-22-94
RICHTER, Mary Lou, PTA Hanover, KS   Approved to Apply to Sit for PTA Exam. 10-20-94
RIESMAN, Jeffrey A., MD Kansas City, KS #04-23942 License Surrendered. 04-18-94
SACHEN, Fred L., MD North Kansas City, MO #04-18754 Retroactive Modification of Licensure Status. Costs. 10-27-94
SAKHARE, Ahsa Vinsen, OT   #95-01138 Grant 2nd Temporary Permit. 10-20-94
SAVAGE, Michelle I., RT Holton, KS #16-01741 Grant 2nd Temporary Registration 05-17-94
SCHEERGER, Larina K., PTA Belle Plaine, KS #14-01014 Approved to Apply and Sit for PTA Exam. 08-19-94
SCHRAGE, Kelly J., RT Atchison, KS #95-00967 2nd Temporary Registration Granted.
SCOTT, Charles E., PA Topeka, KS   Stipulations. Monitoring. 03-16-94
SISCO, Tamea R., DC Newton, KS #01-04297 Temporary Permit Granted 06-20-94
SMITH, U. Duane, MD Ellsworth, KS #04-20504 Energency Limitation. Stayed. New Limitations. 10-17-94
SMITH, U. Duane, MD Ellsworth, KS #04-20504 Energency Limitation. 02-09-94
STEIN, Brenda Ann, MD West Lafayette, IN #04-23815 Retroactive Reinstatement Granted. 11-03-94
STEPHENS, G. Gayle, MD Birmingham, AL #04-10377 Reinstatement. Fine. 04-02-94
STEVENS, Mildred I J, MD Garnett, KS #04-09397 Revocation. 12-16-94
STEVENS, Mildred I J, MD Garnett, KS #04-09397 Ratification of Temporary Emergency Suspension. 06-10-94
STEVENS, Mildred I J, MD Garnett, KS #04-09397 2nd Temporary Emergency Suspension 05-25-94
SULZMAN, David Patrick, PA Wichita, KS #15-00464 2nd Temporary Registration Granted. 03-18-94
THAKKAR, Heena Narayandas, OT Charlotte, NC #9500973 Second Temp Registration Granted. 12-13-94
TOLEDO, Antonio Timbol, MD Minneapolis, MN #04-25469 Application Approved. 11-04-94
TURNER, Robert Charles, MD Topeka, KS   Licensure by Endorsement. 05-02-94
VAN AS, Andre W., MD   #04-25070 Licensure by Endorsement 03-29-94
VASIREDDY, Jhansi R., MD Kansas City, Kansas #94-04286 Extension Denied. 06-09-94
VENKATESH, Latha, MD Leawood, KS #04-22538 Retroactive Reinstatement. 11-27-94
WEATHERHEAD, Craig C., DC Belleville, KS #01-03642 Retroactive Reinstatement. 12-27-94
WEINSTEIN, Charles L., MD Kansas City, MO #04-15070 Retroactive Reinstatement. 02-09-94
WILCOX, Kimberly Kay, PTA     Third Temp. Permit Denied. 10-24-94
WILLIAMS, Barbara Lynn, RT Fredonia, KS #9500999 Second Temp. Registration Approved. 10-21-94
WILLIAMS, Dale, MD Ada, MI #04-25552 Endorsement Approved. 12-13-94
WILLIAMS, Dale, MD Ada, MI #04-25552 Limitations. 09-13-94
WILLIAMS, Gail R., MD Norman, OK   Endorsement Denied. 06-20-94