Board Actions - Alphabetical Listing - B

NOTE: For actions occurring before 1990, there may be incomplete information posted on our website as these years are still under construction. If you are searching for a specific Board action which does not appear in this section, please make your request by email to, or by fax at (785) 368-7102, or by U.S. mail at Kansas State Board of Healing Arts, 800 SW Jackson, Lower Level- Suite A, Topeka, KS 66612. Additionally, the actions posted on the website are only provided for general information purposes and the Kansas State Board of Healing Arts does not warrant the completeness or accuracy. An independent verification of the posted information should be performed if needed for official use.

A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z

Registrant Name
Location License/
Reg. #
of Action
Action Date
BACH, Wendy, AT Topeka, KS #24-00788 Censure. 05-21-14
BACON, Nicholas Emporia, KS #19-00528 Temporary License Granted with Monitoring 03-13-15
BACON, Nicholas Emporia, KS #19-00528 License Granted with Monitoring 04-15-15
BACON, Nicholas, RT Emporia, KS #19-00528 Monitoring Terminated 04-15-16
BADEJO, E. Adeleke, MD Kearney, NE #04-26089 Waiver Granted. 12-27-95
BAIR, Glenn O, MD Topeka, KS #04-12229 Limitation. 08-20-01
BAJSICKI, Dariusz, PTA Darien, IL #14-00889 Third Temp Permit Denied. 03-21-94
BAKER, Daniel Robert, MD Wichita, KS #04-32536 Consent Order Terminated. 03-09-09
BAKER, Daniel Robert, MD Wichita, KS #04-32536 Monitoring 08-20-07
BAKER, Elizabeth, OTA Lee's Summitt, MO #18-01021 Suspension 03-06-15
BAKER, Elizabeth, OTA Lee's Summit, MO #18-01021 Monitoring. 02-24-14
BAKER, Elizabeth, OTA Lee's Summit, MO #T-03834 Temporary License with Monitoring. 01-14-14
BAKER, George Casey, DC Spring Hill, KS #01-04978 Fine Assessed and Paid. 07-20-12
BAKER, James Richard, MD Lawrence, KS #04-26015 Application for Endorsement Approved. 10-18-95
BAKER, Joseph M., DO Overland Park, KS #05-19455 Journal Entry of Satisfaction 06-20-18
BAKER, Joseph M., DO Overland Park, KS #05-19455 Consent Order, Censure, Fine, Probation, Education 02-13-18
BAKER, Kim Barry, MD Engelwood, CO #04-36604 Licensure by Endorsement. 06-25-13
BAKER, Lynne Kay, MD Topeka, KS #04-34054 Limitations. 10-19-09
BAKER, Marion H., MD Iola,KS #04-28549 Revocation. 05-04-05
BAKER, Marion H., MD Iola, KS #04-28549 Limitation. 12-13-99
BAKER, Marion H., MD Iola, KS #04-28549 Temporary Permit with :Limitations. 10-28-99
BAKER, Ray D., MD Topeka, KS #04-13813 Limitation. 08-25-03
BAKER, Zachary, DC Kansas City, KS #01-05780 License Revoked 07-14-17
BAKER, Zachary, DC Kansas City, KS #01-05780 Suspension 06-16-17
BAKER, Zachary, DC Kansas City, KS #01-05780 Monitoring, Censure 10-20-16
BAKOTIC, Bradley Wayne, DO Alpharetta, GA #05-38615 Journal Entry of Satisfaction 09-12-19
BAKOTIC, Bradley Wayne, DO Alpharetta, GA #05-38615 Final Order: Indefinite Suspension (pending change to Inactive/Exempt or proof of insurance), Fine 04-09-19
BALZER, Holle A., PT Prairie Village, KS #11-03665 Fine. 06-12-08
BANGA, Sujata, OT Flower Mound, TX #9722904 Second Temporary Registration Granted. 04-11-97
BARBIERI, Craig, MD Kansas City, MO #04-26621 Fine. 12-19-08
BARK, Zathan Alexander, AT Hays, KS   Censure. 02-24-14
BARK, Zathan Alexander, AT Hays, KS   Temporary License Granted with Censure. 01-22-14
BARKER, Elizabeth B, MD   #04-13448 Monitoring Terminated. 10-24-07
BARKER, Elizabeth B, MD   #04-13448 Monitoring 12-12-05
BARKER, Justin Delane, LRT Kansas City, MO #22-03996 License Granted. 09-01-11
BARKLEY, William Harley, DC Wichita, KS #01-03322 Limitations Terminated. 03-02-99
BARKMAN, Harold W. Jr., MD Leawood, KS #04-22878 Monitoring Terminated. 05-02-12
BARKMAN, Harold W. Jr., MD Leawood, KS #04-22878 Monitoring. 02-25-08
BARNETT, Jesse David, OTA Wichita, KS #18-01182 Monitoring Terminated. 08-20-15
BARNETT, Jesse, OTA Wichita, KS #T-04005 Monitoring and Temporary License Granted. 08-18-14
BARNETT, Jesse, OTA Wichita, KS #T-04005 License Pending-Temporary License Granted with Monitoring. 07-03-14
BARNIDGE, Margaret E., DO Baxter Springs, KS #05-39764 Indefinite Suspension, Public Disciplinary Action 06-18-19
BARNIDGE, Margaret E., DO Baxter Springs, KS #05-39764 Journal Entry: Waiver of Hearing on Emerg. Ord. of Suspension 01-08-19
BARNIDGE, Margaret E., DO Baxter Springs, KS #05-39764 Emergency Order of Suspension 11-08-18
BARNWAL, Seena, OT Junction City, KS #9722793 Second Temporary Registration Granted. 04-11-97
BARR, Katrina D., RT Webb City, MO #16-03414 Continuing Eduction Complete. Fine Paid. 09-21-10
BARRETT, Marilyn Brown, PA St. Francis, KS #15-00545 Second Temporary Registration Granted. 02-20-97
BARTER, Bruce, MD   #04-16704 Waiver Denied. 11-09-98
BARTLETT, Ashley, LRT Mineola, KS #22-04886 Final Order Terminating Consent Order 04-19-18
BARTLETT, Ashley, LRT Manhattan, KS #22-04886 Monitoring Extended 06-30-15
BARTLETT, Ashley, LRT Manhattan, KS #22-04886 License Granted with Monitoring 02-23-15
BARTLETT, Ashley, LRT Manhattan, KS #22-04886 Temporary License with Monitoring 01-22-15
BARTLETT, Phillip, AT Pratt, KS #24-00931 License Granted with Censure. 04-16-14
BARTLETT, Phillip, AT Pratt, KS #T-03870 Temporary License Granted with Public Censure. 02-27-14
BARTON, David Michael, PA Joplin, MO   Withdrawal Granted. 04-19-93
BARUA, Rajat Suvra, MD Overland Park, KS #04-36075 Licensure by Endorsement Gratned. 11-14-12
BASANTE, Janne Marcela, OT Hannibal, MO #9721530 Third Temp. Registration Granted. 07-03-97
BASANTE, Janne Marcela, OT Hannibal, MO #9721530 Second Temp. Registration Granted. 01-03-97
BASGALL, Katie, PTA Colby, KS #Pending License Granted with Monitoring 04-13-16
BASKERVILLE-CROME, Sara, DC Hanover, KS #01-05005 Monitoring/Consent Order Terminated 10-28-16
BASKERVILLE-CROME, Sara, DC Hanover, KS #01-05005 Monitoring Requirement Terminated. 06-30-15
BASKERVILLE-CROME, Sara, DC Hanover, KS #01-05005 Education. Monitoring. 02-24-14
BASQUE, Christian M. Kansas City, KS   Postgraduate Permit Denied. 10-18-10
BASSETT, Robert, MD Hays, KS #04-25167 Dismissed. 10-23-09
BASSETT, Robert, MD Hays, KS #04-25167 Fine. 12-19-08
BATTMER, Robert, MD Prairie Village, KS #04-20630 Limitations Terminated. 02-29-08
BATTMER, Robert, MD Prairie Village, KS #04-16705 Suspension - Temporary Febrary 5 thru 9, 2007; Limitations 12-19-06
BAUCOM, Karan Y., M.D. Overland Park, KS #04-17778 Requirements Satisfied 02-24-09
BAUCOM, Karan Y., M.D. Overland Park, KS #04-17778 Censure; Fine. 04-23-07
BAULER, George J, DO Wichita, KS #05-26690 Revocation. 07-09-01
BAUTISTA, Allan D., PT Terra Haute, IN #11-01869 Third Temp Permit Denied. 11-05-92
BAX, Amy R., PTA Kansas City, MO #14-01764 Fees Paid. 05-16-11
BAYME, Lloyd, MD Great Neck, NY   Application for Licensure Denied. 06-30-08
BAZIL-MIESES, Oswaldo D., MD El Paso, TX #04-26092 Temporary Permit Cancelled. 12-27-95
BEAMER, R. L., MD Wichita, KS #04-18698 Probation Terminated. 03-11-11
BEAMER, R. L., MD Wichita, KS #04-18698 Request to Terminate Probation Denied. 02-26-10
BEAMER, R. L., MD Wichita, KS #04-18698 Monitor Approved. 02-22-10
BEAMER, R. L., MD Wichita, KS #04-18698 Probation. Education, monitoring. 12-21-09
BEAN, Alicia, MD Russell, KS #04-34611 Consent Order Terminated 08-25-16
BEAN, Alicia Marie, MD Manhattan, KS #04-34611 Monitoring Terminated. 12-20-13
BEAN, Alicia Marie, MD Manhattan, KS #04-34611 Supervision Terminated. 10-27-11
BEAN, Alicia Marie, MD Hays, KS #04-34611 Monitoring, Practice Supervision. 08-24-10
BEARDSLEY, Hallie J., LRT Ames, IA #22-01801 Cancelled. 02-18-08
BEARY, William Miles, MD Prairie Village, KS #04-29815 Amended Journal Entry of Satisfaction 12-29-21
BEARY, William Miles, MD Prairie Village, KS #04-29815 Journal Entry of Satisfaction 12-29-21
BEARY, William Miles, MD Prairie Village, KS #04-29815 Suspension Until Compliant 11-17-21
BEAULIEU, Joseph D., DC Overland Park , KS #01-03604 Censure; Fine 04-10-06
BECK, Mark A., DC Wichita, KS #01-03648 Retroactive Reinstatement. 02-25-98
BECKLEY, David Clark, DC   #01-05177 Licensure by Endorsement. 12-13-07
BECKLEY, David T., DC Topeka, KS #01-03615 Reinstatement Denied 09-10-19
BECKLEY, David T., DC Topeka, KS #01-03615 Suspension. 01-09-14
BEECH, Randall R, MD Wichita, KS #04-19302 Limitations Terminated. 10-22-03
BEECH, Randall R, MD Wichita, KS #04-19302 Petition Denied. 03-08-02
BEECH, Randall R, MD Wichita, KS #04-19302 Limitations Modified. 08-25-00
BEECH, Randall R, MD Wichita, KS #04-19302 Limitations Modified. 02-29-00
BEECH, Randall R, MD Wichita, KS #04-19302 Deny Request for Limitations. 12-17-99
BEECH, Randall R., MD Wichita, KS #04-19302 Terminate Suspension. 08-26-99
BEECH, Randall R, MD Wichita, KS #04-19302 Suspension. 06-21-99
BEECH, Randall R., MD Wichita, KS #04-19302 Fine. 06-15-98
BEECH, Randall R., MD Wichita, KS #04-19302 Fine. Costs. Public Reprimand. Limitations. Education. Monitoring. 04-07-97
BEEM, Lawrence Devere, DC   #01-05178 Licensure by Endorsement. 12-13-07
BEGUN, Jerome H., MD     Application Denied. 08-15-87
BEJAR, Jose M., MD Topeka, KS #04-19760 Final Order 09-13-21
BEJAR, Jose M., MD Topeka, KS #04-19760 Surrender. 05-20-13
BELIEU, Renee, MD Lenexa, KS #04-27213 Requirements Met 07-09-15
BELIEU, Renee, MD Lenexa, KS #04-27213 Education 04-15-15
BELL, Harold R, DC Carl Junction, MO #01-04305 Suspension, Limitation. 04-28-01
BELL, Jack S., PA Coffeyville, KS #15-00239 Surrender. Costs. 02-19-13
BELL-GINEST, Kim L., DC Wichita, KS #01-04553 Grant License by Endorsement. 06-17-98
BELLIS, Morris Edgar, MD Elk City, OK #04-25665 Grant License by Endorsement. 05-19-95
BENE, Richard John, Jr., MD Leawood, KS #04-24860 Fine Paid. 03-09-09
BENE, Richard John, Jr., MD Leawood, KS #04-24860 Fine 03-03-09
BENNETT, Christopher L., DC Wichita, KS #01-04277 Fine. 12-13-04
BENNINGTON, Sean, DC Wichita, KS #01-05204 Withdrawal Denied, Reinstatement Denied 03-08-16
BENTLEY, Keri M [MD] Knoxville, TN 04-43260 Final Order 05-23-2023
Berkheimer, Harold L., MD Newport, NY #08-00346 License Cancelled 07-09-19
BERGMAN, Shawn J., DC Wichita, KS #01-05016 Suspension 11-27-06
BERGMAN, Shawn J., DC St Benedict, KS #01-05016 Limitation. 12-12-05
BERMAN, Bruce H., MD Jupiter, FL #04-30802 Monitoring 06-21-04
BERNDT, Teri A., PA APO #9502061 Second Temp Registration Granted. 02-22-95
BERNHARDT, Gary D., MD Overland Park, KS #04-18701 Consent Order: Public Disciplinary Action, Limitation: KS License Designation, Monitoring, Education 08-20-18
BERNHARDT, Shirley A., RT Salina, KS #16-00777 Fine Paid. 03-13-96
BERNHARDT, Shirley A., RT Salina, KS #16-00777 Reprimand, Fine. 06-27-95
BERRY, Jo Anne, PA Anthony, KS #15-01016 Limitations. 02-14-05
BESHEER, Zachary N., OT Kansas City, MO #17-00817 Reinstatement. 02-26-96
BESSETTE, Ashley Dawn, Student RT Ulysses, KS #19-00426 Permit Cancelled. 05-22-13
BESSLER, Marjorie, AT Columbia, SC #24-00093 Consider Approval of Application. 02-10-97
BETHEL, Chandler S., MD Wichita, KS #04-12458 Stipulation Terminated. 10-12-93
BETHEL, Chandler S., MD Wichita, KS #04-12458 Stipulations and Monitoring. 01-03-86
BEVERLY, Carolyn L., MD   #04-20845 Conditions. 08-14-89
BEYER, Linda L., PTA Wichita, KS #14-00891 Request to Sit for Exam Approved. 10-20-94
BHALLA, Kapil Narain, MD Kansas City, KS #04-34971 License Granted. 05-03-11
BHATTATIRY, Manu M., MD Irving, TX #04-30672 Waiver Granted. 04-22-04
BHOPALE, Vishwas, MD     Denial 10-18-89
BICKELHAUPT, Ethan E., MD   #04-18225 Journal Entry of Satisfaction 01-15-20
BICKELHAUPT, Ethan E., MD   #04-18225 Practice Monitoring Terminated 06-17-16
BICKELHAUPT, Ethan E., MD Leavenworth, KS #04-18225 Monitoring 12-23-14
BICKELHAUPT, Ethan E., MD Leavenworth, KS #04-18225 Suspension Terminated and Revocation Denied 09-08-14
BICKELHAUPT, Ethan E., MD Chicago, IL #04-18225 License Suspended. 04-30-10
BICKELHAUPT, Ethan E., MD Chicago, IL #04-18225 Emergency Suspension. 02-23-10
BICKELHAUPT, Ethan E., MD Topeka, KS #04-18225 Suspension Terminated. Limitations. 04-10-08
BICKELHAUPT, Ethan, M.D. Topeka, KS #04-18225 Suspension. 09-21-07
BIEKER, Jana J., PT Hays, KS #11-00988 Supervision Request Approved. 05-14-91
BIERI, Peter V., MD   #04-15026 Modification to Active Status with Monitoring. 12-17-93
BIERI, Peter V., MD   #04-15026 Reinstatement of Exempt License with Monitoring. 06-14-93
BIERI, Peter V., MD   #04-15026 Surrender and Monitoring. 04-13-92
BIGLER, Jonathan Allan, PA   #15-01237 Temporary License Extended 06-12-07
BILANG, Bernardo G., MD Largo, FL #04-22595 Revocation. 04-07-94
BILANG, Bernardo G., MD Largo, FL #04-22595 Probationary Limitations. 12-14-92
BILANG, Bernardo G., MD Largo, FL #04-22595 Termination of Supervision, Monitoring and Conditions 06-19-91
BILANG, Bernardo G., MD Largo, FL #04-22595 Supervision, Monitoring, Conditions. 06-08-89
BINKLEY, Sean M., DC Hiawatha, KS #01-04756 Fine 10-23-06
BIRCH, James Theodore, Jr, MD Kansas City, Kansas #04-32538 Monitoring Terminated. 10-23-09
BIRCH, James Theodore, Jr, MD   #04-32538 Monitoring 06-11-07
BISSON, Shane Dean, DC Kansas City, MO #01-04781 Journal Entry of Satisfaction 11-19-19
BISSON, Shane Dean, DC Kansas City, MO #01-04781 Fine 10-07-19
BITTLE, Erich, PTA Dighton, KS   Monitoring Terminated 12-18-15
BITTLE, Erich, PTA WaKeeney, KS #T04049 Monitoring. 08-15-14
BLACK, James A., DO Hays, KS #05-24331 Consent Order Terminated. 08-26-10
BLACK, James A., D.O. Hays, KS #05-24331 Limitation; Censure. 04-23-07
BLAHA, Julie L., RT Salina, KS #16-00292 Surrender. 04-29-03
BLAHA, Julie L., RT Salina, KS #16-00292 Limitation. 10-17-02
BLAINE, Jennifer, OTA Ottawa, KS #18-01096 Fine Paid 12-11-17
BLAINE, Jennifer, OTA Ottawa, KS #18-01096 Public Censure and Fine 10-27-17
BLAINE, Jennifer, OTA Ottawa, KS #18-01096 Temp. Lincense Granted with Public Censure and Fine 07-13-17
BLANK, Michael K., MD Desoto, MO #04-14181 Cancellation. 02-14-00
BLECHA, Timothy D, MD Superior, NE #04-28004 Revocation. 08-24-01
BLEDSOE, Andre D., RT Wichita, KS #16-02381 Monitoring Terminated 06-19-15
BLEDSOE, Andre D., RT Wichita, KS #16-02381 Monitoring. 06-28-12
BLEIER, Kyle D., RT Winfield, KS #16-04095 License Revoked 12-13-18
BLEIER, Kyle D., RT Winfield, KS #16-04095 Emergency Suspension 05-29-18
BLOCK, Jerome E., MD Tulsa, OK #04-20630 Terminate Requirements of Consent Order. 02-28-08
BLOCK, Jerome E., MD Tulsa, OK #04-20630 Modification. 01-08-04
BLOCK, Jerome E., MD Tulsa, OK #04-20630 Education, Monitoring, Costs. 06-09-03
BOCKHAUS, Terri, M., PTA Newton, KS #14-01480 Censure; Fine 06-12-06
BOEHM, Frank H., MD New Hartford, NY #04-34394 Revocation. Costs. 12-19-11
BOEHM, Frank H., MD Utica, NY #04-34394 Suspension. 10-11-10
BOHNEN, Todd Jason, OTA Wichita, KS #18-00391 Fine Paid, Consent Order Terminated. 10-26-11
BOHNEN, Todd Jason, OTA Wichita, KS #18-00391 Costs. 04-20-11
BOLAND, Michael, AT Tecumseh, KS #24-00753 License Granted with Censure 01-11-16
BOLAND, Michael, AT Tecumseh, KS #24-00753 License Granted with Censure 02-22-16
BOLEN, Sarah Jane, OTA Kansas City, MO #18-00748 Fine Paid. Education Complete. 07-29-13
BOLEN, Sarah Jane, OTA Kansas City, MO #18-00748 Education. Fine. 03-05-12
BOLEN, Timothy J., PT Wichita, KS #11-01593 Education Complete. Requirements Met. 03-28-13
BOLEN, Timothy J., PT Wichita, KS #11-01593 Education. 10-30-12
BOLEN, Tim J., PT Wichita, KS #11-01593 Fine. 06-12-08
BOLIN, James C., JR, DO Kansas City, MO #05-19911 Probationary Limitations, Education, Reporting. 04-24-91
BOLINAO, Engracia I., MD Larned, KS #08-00211 Reconsideration Denied. 10-30-96
BOLINAO, Engracia I., MD Larned, KS #08-00211 Application for Endorsement Denied. 09-16-96
BOLT, Michael S., MD Wichita, KS #04-21978 Dismissed Without Prejudice. 06-23-09
BOND, James R., DC Wichita, KS #01-03834 Journal Entry Sustaining Unopposed Motion to Stay. 10-30-19
BOND, James R., DC Wichita, KS #01-03834 Emergency Order of Temporary Suspension. 08-20-19
BONEBRAKE, Alan R., DC Garden City, KS #01-03524 Suspension Terminated; License Remains Cancelled. 04-26-95
BONEBRAKE, Alan R., DC Garden City, KS #01-03524 Suspension. 10-18-90
BONEBRAKE, Sherrin Cleora, DC Olathe, KS #01-04470 License by Endorsement Granted. 08-05-97
BONEE, Kathleen, DC Basehor, KS #01-04668 Fine. 11-01-04
BONIN, India Renata, RT Smithville, MO #16-03590 Education. Fine. 09-21-10
BONO. Richard Joseph Jr., MD Topeka, KS #04-35643 Limitation Terminated. 12-19-13
BONO. Richard Joseph Jr., MD Kansas City, KS #T03240 License Granted with Limitations. 04-25-12
BONO. Richard Joseph Jr., MD Kansas City, KS #T03240 Temporary License Granted with Limitations. 03-09-12
BOOKLESS, Donald R., PT Hillsboro, KS #17-00716 Cancellation 03-08-00
BOOM, Darren Lawrence, DC Kansas City, MO #01-05110 Fine Paid. Education Complete. 10-02-09
BOOM, Darren Lawrence, DC Kansas City, MO #01-05110 Fine. Education. 07-15-09
BOREL, Terry C., MD Johnson City, TN #04-18227 Stipulations. 12-05-86
BORGENDALE, Llewellyn, MD Wamego, KS #04-12558 Modification of Stipulation. 02-04-04
BORGENDALE, Llewellyn, MD Wamego, KS #04-12558 Termination of Limitations. Denied Amendment. 06-25-02
BORGENDALE, Llewellyn, MD Wamego, KS #04-12558 Termination of Stipulation. Limitation. 12-12-00
BORGENDALE, Llewellyn, MD Wamego, KS #04-12558 Limitation. 08-17-98
BORLAND, Traci, OT Wichita, KS #17-02574 Revocation 10-15-15
BORLAND, Traci, OT Wichita, KS #17-02574 Suspension 09-25-15
BORLAND, Traci, OT Wichita, KS #17-02574 Monitoring 04-15-15
BORRA, Henry Michael, MD Colorado Springs, CO #04-24115 Revocation. 10-01-13
BORRA, Henry Michael, MD Colorado Springs, CO #04-24115 Status Change Denied. 10-01-13
BORRA, Henry Michael, MD Silver City, NM #04-24115 Consent Order Modified. 03-09-09
BORRA, Henry Michael, MD Silver City, NM #04-24115 Limitations. 02-25-08
BORRA, Henry Michael, MD Silver City, NM #04-24115 Monitoring Terminated. 02-24-06
BORRA, Henry Michael, MD Silver City, NM #04-24115 Monitoring. 02-14-05
BORSE, Gauri Dilip, PT Overland Park, KS   Application Incomplete. 07-18-05
BORSE, Gauri Dilip, PT Overland Park, KS   Application Denied. 02-21-03
BORTNICK, Daniel P., MD Leawood, KS #04-22406 Fine Paid. 01-31-14
BORTNICK, Daniel P., MD Leawood, KS #04-22406 Fine. 12-19-13
BOSILJEVAC, Joseph E., MD Emporia, KS #04-16711 Journal Entry of Satisfaction 02-25-20
BOSILJEVAC, Joseph E., MD Emporia, KS #04-16711 Public Censure, Fine 01-07-20
BOSILJEVAC, Joseph E., MD Emporia, KS #04-16711 Amended Consent Order Approved 01-06-20
BOTROS, Maged S., MD Wichita, KS #04-29487 Fine Paid. Education Completed. 02-23-10
BOTROS, Maged S., MD Wichita, KS #04-29487 Fine. Education. 01-21-10
BOUDREAUX, Veltin J., MD Bloomington, IL #04-14767 Stipulations/Limitations. 03-07-95
BOUMAN, Jerry C. [DO] Parson, KS 05-24097 Joint Consent Order 10-16-2023
BOUMAN, Jerry C. [DO] Parson, KS 05-24097 Journal Entry of Satisfaction 02-08-2024
BOWEN, Fredrick C., DO Riverside, MO #05-23466 Reconsideration Denied. 10-15-93
BOWEN, James D., MD Lansing, MI #04-18566 Dismissed. 03-09-87
BOWERS, John, DC Wichita, KS #01-03858 Indefinite Suspension, Fine 10-07-19
BOWERS, John, DC Wichita, KS #01-03858 Fine Paid 09-28-15
BOWERS, John, DC Wichita, KS #01-03858 Suspension, Fine. 06-17-15
BOWERS, John, D.C. Wichita, KS #01-03858 Suspension Terminated. 05-21-14
BOWERS, John, D.C. Wichita, KS #01-03858 Suspension, Censure. 04-21-14
BOWERS, John, D.C. Wichita, KS #01-03858 Fine. 10-22-07
BOWMAN, Blythe Elizabeth, M.D. Texarkana, TX #04-41796 Journal Entry Lifting Suspension 07-02-21
BOWMAN, Blythe Elizabeth, M.D. Texarkana, TX #04-41796 Final Order: Suspension Until Compliant 04-13-21
BRABEC, Susan M., RT Manhattan, KS #16-02972 Correction to Final Order. 12-29-09
BRABEC, Susan M., RT Manhattan, KS #16-02972 Education Complete. 12-08-09
BRACHFELD, Claude, MD Denver, CO #04-30230 Journal Entry of Satisfaction 03-11-19
BRACHFELD, Claude, MD Denver, CO #04-30230 Public Censure, Probation, Education, Fine, Costs 08-16-16
BRADBURY, Constance K., LRT Kansas City, KS #22-00499 Fine. Provide Proof of CE. Find Paid. Proof of CE Provided. 04-20-09
BRADBURY, Richard L.   #12-00240 Exam for Licensure Accepted. 10-13-90
BRADY, Michael E., DC Topeka, KS #01-03884 Divestiture, Limitation, Surrender. 10-03-14
BRADY, Michael E., DC Wichita, KS #01-03884 Censure. Fine. 08-25-03
BRAINARD, Earl H, PTA Colby, KS #T-03055 Monitoring. 07-08-11
BRAINARD, Nancy Mueller, OTA Overland Park, KS #18-00676 Fine Paid. Education Completed. 01-14-14
BRAINARD, Nancy Mueller, OTA Overland Park, KS #18-00676 Fine. Education. 10-01-13
BRANCH, Walter Dewey, Jr., MD Kanas City, MO #04-25668 Monitoring. 10-23-97
BRANINE, Robin Lea, OT Louisburg, KS #17-02122 Fine Paid. 07-25-11
BRANINE, Robin Lea, OT Louisburg, KS #17-02122 Civil Fine. 07-14-11
BRATMAN, Katie, Stu RT Overland Park, KS #19-00549 Special Permit Cancelled 05-03-16
BRAVERMAN, David E., MD Overland Park, KS #04-17188 Modification of Limitations 07-11-06
BRAVERMAN, David E.,MD Overland Park, KS #04-17188 Limitation; Censure; Costs 02-15-06
BRAUN, Alison Nicole, LRT Jackson, MO #22-05954 Public Censure 09-17-19
BRAUN, William J., MD Tonganoxie, KS #04-17786 Consent Order: Public Censure, Education, Assessment 10-13-21
BRAY, E. D.,MD Agra, KS #04-12560 Reinstatement Denied. 02-22-05
BREEZE, Vicki S., RT Chanute, KS #9502295 Third Temp Registration Denied. 12-26-95
BREEZE, Vicki S., RT Chanute, KS #9502295 Second Temp Registration Granted. 06-27-95
BRETZ, Robin Louise, RT Great Bend, KS #19-00262 Cancellation. 05-07-10
BREWER, Edward S., MD Beachwood, OH #04-35161 Journal Entry of Satisfaction 08-04-21
BREWER, Edward S., MD Beachwood, OH #04-35161 Amended Final Order 07-07-21
BREWER, Edward S., MD Beachwood, OH #04-35161 Final Order: Fine 08-25-20
BRIGGS, Danny Douglas, JR, PA Jetmore, KS #15-00602 Fourth Temp. Registration Granted. 02-25-98
BRIGGS, Danny Douglas, JR, PA Jetmore, KS #15-00602 Third Temp. Registration Granted. 07-14-97
BRIGGS, Danny Douglas, JR, PA Jetmore, KS #15-00602 Second Temp. Registration Granted. 02-20-97
BRITTON, Matthew Dean, LRT Lawrence, KS #22-03200 Requirements Met. Monitoring Terminated. 10-17-13
BRITTON, Matthew Dean, LRT Lawrence, KS #22-03200 Monitoring. 06-16-09
BROCKENBROUGH, James A [MD] Kansas City, KS 04-32320 Consent Order 11-17-2023
BROCKENBROUGH, James, MD Kansas City, MO #04-32320 Grant Termination of Limitations. 04-23-09
BROCKENBROUGH, James, M.D. Kansas City, MO #T-01098 Limitation. 02-16-07
BROCKENBROUGH, James A., MD Kansas City, MO   Application Denied. 10-31-05
BRODIE, Mark Francis, MD Kailua, HI #04-34606 Licensure Granted. 09-02-10
BROMERT, Raeann, AT Kansas City, MO #24-00728 License Granted with Censure 05-01-17
BROMERT, Raeann, AT Kansas City, MO #24-00728 Temp License Granted with Censure 02-21-17
BRONFMAN, Jana R., DO Kansas City, MO #05-22779 Revocation. 12-06-12
BRONFMAN, Jana R., DO Kansas City, MO #05-22779 Temporary Emergency Suspension. 04-30-12
BROOKS, Brian K., DC Independence, KS #01-03508 Surrender. 04-25-94
BROOKS, Brian K., DC Independence, KS #01-03508 Suspension. 05-20-93
BROOKS, Dana A., RT Wichita, KS #16-03085 Fine Paid. Education Completed. 07-20-12
BROOKS, Dana A., RT Wichita, KS #16-03085 Fine, Education. 09-10-10
BROOKS, Dana A., RT Wichita, KS #16-03085 Special Permit Cancelled. 02-19-04
BROOKS, Douglas G., MD Spring Hill, KS #04-23085 Journal Entry of Partial Satisfaction 03-29-21
BROOKS, Douglas G., MD Spring Hill, KS #04-23085 Journal Entry Granting Motion to Terminate as Filed 03-15-21
BROOKS, Douglas G., MD Spring Hill, KS #04-23085 Treatment Limitation, Monitoring, Education, and Costs 10-17-17
BROUN, Stephanie, PT Pittsburg, KS #9401422 Temp Permit with Limitations Granted. 02-16-94
BROWDER, Andrew Harrison, AT Lindsborg, KS #24-00738 Fine Paid. Consent Order Satisfied. 09-01-11
BROWDER, Andrew Harrison, AT Lindsborg, KS #24-00738 Public Reprimand, Fine. 10-11-10
BROWN, Deborah Kay, PA Hutchinson, KS #9402199 Third Temp Registration Granted. 03-21-94
BROWN, Deborah Kay, PA Hutchinson, KS #9402199 Second Temp Permit Granted. 02-19-93
BROWN, Donald W., Jr., DO Olathe, KS #05-45264 Journal Entry Granting Exempt License 09-20-21
BROWN, Ellen, OT Leawood, KS #17-00542 Requirements Completed, Suspension Lifted. 11-06-15
BROWN, Ellen, OT Leawood, KS #17-00542 Suspension, Education. 08-17-15
BROWN, Hilary Page, OT Lawrence, KS #17-01331 Reinstatement, Fine. 04-24-03
BROWN, Jared, AT Pratt, KS #24-00927 Temporary License with Censure 12-31-15
BROWN, Jared, AT Pratt, KS #24-00927 License Granted with Censure 02-22-16
BROWN, Karen, (a.k.a. Karen Louise Toy, MD) Warrensburg, MO #04-24323 Limitations. 08-26-92
BROWN, Karen, (a.k.a. Karen Louise Toy, MD) Warrensburg, MO #04-24323 Stipulation, Agreement and Enforcement Order 08-19-92
BROWN, Richard Lee, MD Shawnee, KS #04-29701 Monitoring Terminated. 12-13-16
BROWN, Richard Lee, MD Shawnee, KS #04-29701 Correction to 12-13-16 Order. 12-21-16
BROWN, Richard Lee, MD Shawnee, KS #04-29701 Public Censure, Monitoring, Costs. 08-20-13
BROWN, Sandra L, PT Lawrence, KS #11-02884 Education Completed. Fine Paid. 08-19-13
BROWN, Sandra L, PT Lawrence, KS #11-02884 Fine, Education. 07-15-13
BROWN, Tina L., LRT Viola, KS #22-02337 Fine. 05-29-08
BROWNE, Melanie, RT Kansas City, KS #16-04364 Suspension 08-26-15
BROWNE, Melanie Jean, RT Kansas City, KS #16-04364 License Granted with Monitoring. 06-25-13
BROWNE, Melanie Jean, RT Kansas City, KS #16-04364 Temporary License with Monitoring. 05-21-13
BROWNRIGG, Richard L., MD Alamosa, CO #04-13834 Order Rescinding Stipulation and Addendum. 10-31-88
BROWNRIGG, Richard L., MD Alamosa, CO #04-13834 Enforcement Order.and Addendum to Stipulations 07-13-88
BROWNRIGG, Richard L., MD Alamosa, CO #04-13834 Enforcement Order. 10-18-86
BRUMBAUGH, Jay Dee Goodland, KS #11-04754 Requirements Met, Consent Order Terminated 08-18-14
BRUMBAUGH, Jay Dee Goodland, KS #11-04754 License Granted with Continuing Education. 04-14-14
BRUNO, Angel L, MD Lawton, OK #04-26355 Public Censure, Limitation. 04-30-01
BRYAN, Jerry L., D.C. Ness City, KS #01-03252 Fine. 10-17-07
BRYANT, Devon, AT Coffeyville, KS #24-01175 License Granted with Censure 02-17-17
BRYANT, DeVon, AT Coffeyville, KS #Pending Temporary License Granted with Censure 12-13-16
BRYANT, Roosevelt III, MD Pearland, TX #94-05083 Waiver Granted 03-09-09
BRYANT, Roosevelt III, MD Pearland, TX #94-05083 Matter Continued. 12-05-08
BRYNIARSKI, Mark, MD Kansas City, KS #94-05082 Limitation. 08-21-01
BUBENIK, Oldrich V., MD Council Grove, KS #04-21097 Retroactive Reinstatement. 08-11-93
BUESE, William, AT Olathe, KS #24-00077 Censure 06-17-16
BUESE, William, AT Olathe, KS #24-00077 Temp License Granted with Censure 04-06-16
BULATAO, Jose M.,   #08-00206 Institutional License Extended, Education Requirements. 08-11-90
BULKLEY, Timothy, MD Lawrence, KS   Termination of Stipulation. 08-24-85
BULKLEY, Timothy, MD Lawrence, KS   Stipulations. Monitoring. 12-10-82
BUMGUARDNER, Larry T., DO Wichita, KS #05-19728 Fine. 02-26-08
BUNDS, Joyce Ellen, LRT Merriam, KS #22-04211 Licensure Granted. 07-18-12
BURGER, Paul B., MD Shawnee, KS #04-09849 Limitations. 08-01-86
BURGESS, Anthony, MD Kansas City, MO #04-38524 Licensure by Endorsement Granted. 10-21-15
BURGHART, Kristen Topeka, KS #t-04108 License Granted with Monitoring 02-23-15
BURGHART, Kristen Topeka, KS #t-04108 Temporary License with Monitoring. 01-22-15
BURKETT, Brittany E., OTA Topeka, KS #T-03556 License Granted with Censure. 04-26-13
BURKETT, Brittany E., OTA Topeka, KS #T-03556 Temporary License Granted. Censure. 02-20-13
BURKS, Savannah, AT Lawrence, KS #24-00970 Temporary License Granted with Censure 12-14-15
BURKS, Savannah, AT Lawrence, KS #24-00970 License Granted with Censure 02-22-16
BURNS, Bryan W., MD Kansas City, MO #04-27222 Journal Entry of Satisfaction 07-12-21
BURNS, Bryan W., MD Kansas City, MO #04-27222 Public Censure, Costs Assessed 01-22-19
BURRIS, Julie R., MD Wichita, KS #04-26357 Surrender/Revocation. 07-28-11
BURRIS, Julie R., MD Wichita, KS #04-26357 Suspension. 05-26-11
BURTON, Debra Marie, LRT Holyrood, KS #22-01680 Public Censure. 01-29-13
BURTON, Lisa A, OTA Paola, KS #18-00451 Fine Paid, Education Complete. 02-12-14
BURTON, Lisa A., OTA Paola, KS #18-00451 Fine, Education. 10-01-13
BUSAKA, Musalia Japhet, OT Madeira Beach, FL #9623157 Third Temp Registration Denied. 11-21-96
BUSAKA, Musalia Japhet, OT Madeira Beach, FL #9623157 Second Temp Registration Granted. 06-27-96
BUSBY, Steven, OTA Spring Hill, KS #18-00871 Final Order: Suspension 12-28-20
BUSH, Roger Irvin, LRT Benton, KS #22-00911 Monitoring Terminated 08-23-17
BUSH, Roger, LRT Benton, KS #22-00911 Monitoring 08-17-16
BUSSELL, Lisa Lenexa, KS #16-02737 Fine, Education 01-15-15
BUSSELL, Lisa, RT Lenexa, KS #16-02737 Suspension 06-07-16
BUSSELL, Lisa   #16-02737 Fine Paid and Education Complete 06-22-16
BUTLER, Judith A., MD Blytheville, AR #04-27372 60-Day Suspension. 06-09-03
BYERS, Martha, MD Overland Park, KS #04-18704 Monitoring Terminated 09-09-16
BYERS, Martha S, MD Overland Park, KS #04-18704 Limitations, Requirements, Costs. 02-14-13
BYERS, Martha S, MD Leawood, KS #04-18704 Limitation. 08-20-01
BYERS, Martha S, MD Overland Park, KS #04-18704 Reinstatement 07-07-00