Board Actions - Alphabetical Listing - E

NOTE: For actions occurring before 1990, there may be incomplete information posted on our website as these years are still under construction. If you are searching for a specific Board action which does not appear in this section, please make your request by email to, or by fax at (785) 368-7102, or by U.S. mail at Kansas State Board of Healing Arts, 800 SW Jackson, Lower Level- Suite A, Topeka, KS 66612. Additionally, the actions posted on the website are only provided for general information purposes and the Kansas State Board of Healing Arts does not warrant the completeness or accuracy. An independent verification of the posted information should be performed if needed for official use.

A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z

Registrant Name
Location License/
Reg. #
of Action
Action Date
EASTMAN, Lisa L., DC Abilene, KS #01-04381 Cancellation. 07-14-03
EATON, James E, DC Wichita, KS #01-03093 Denial of Reinstatement. 09-04-02
EATON, Rayetta, MD Sulphur Springs, AR Applicant Final Order Denying Application for Licensure 01-14-19
EBERLY, Liberty A., DO Tipp City, OH #05-41198 Journal Entry of Satisfaction 05-06-19
EBERLY, Liberty A., DO Tipp City, OH #05-41198 Final Order: Fine 05-06-19
EBOH JR, Noel [MD] Wichita, KS   Final Order 07-10-2023
EBY, Tammy L., PA Merriam, KS #15-00300 2nd Temporary Permit Denied. 06-02-89
ECHESSA, Rajab Tongwa, OT Cherryvale, KS #9620849 Third Temp Registration Granted. 10-27-95
ECHESSA, Rajab Tongwa, OT Cherryvale, KS #9620849 Third Temp Registration Granted. 02-17-95
ECK, Bradley David, DC Wichita, KS #01-04269 Revocation, Costs. 01-14-13
ECK, Bradley David, DC Wichita, KS #01-04269 Intervention denied. 05-04-10
ECK, Bradley David, DC Wichita, KS #01-04269 Stay denied. 04-28-10
ECK, Bradley David, DC Wichita, KS #01-04269 Suspension Completed. 03-05-10
ECK, Bradley David, DC Wichita, KS #01-04269 Fine. 02-26-10
ECK, Bradley D., DC Wichita, KS #01-04269 30 Day Suspension, Education. 12-08-09
ECK, Bradley D., DC Wichita, KS #01-04269 Probation, Education, Fine, Monitoring. 02-25-09
ECK, Bradley David, DC Wichita, KS #01-04269 Censure, Fine. 04-19-04
ECK, Todd H., DC Wichita, KS #01-03922 Order Nunc Pro Tunc. 05-17-18
ECK, Todd H., DC Wichita, KS #01-03922 Final Order, Revocation of License, Fine, Costs. 05-16-18
ECK, Todd H., DC Wichita, KS #01-03922 Fine Paid. 09-25-14
ECK, Todd H., DC Wichita, KS #01-03922 Education Requirements Completed. Costs Paid. 08-02-13
ECK, Todd H., DC Wichita, KS #01-03922 Fine Paid. 03-26-13
ECK, Todd H., DC Wichita, KS #01-03922 Education. Costs. 10-30-12
ECK, Todd H., DC Wichita, KS #01-03922 Stay terminated; Suspension and Fine Restored. 07-31-12
ECK, Todd, DC Wichita, KS #01-03922 Fine and 30-Day Suspension - Suspension Stayed Pending Appeal. 06-21-08
ECK, Todd H., DC Wichita, KS #01-03922 Fine and 90-Day Suspension Stayed. 05-12-08
ECK, Todd H., DC Wichita, KS #01-03922 Censure, Fine. 04-19-04
ECKMANN, Brooke Michelle, PTA Norfolk, NE   License Granted with Monitoring. 12-19-13
ECKMANN, Brooke Michelle, PTA Norfolk, NE   Temporary License Granted with Monitoring. 11-15-13
EDALATI, David D, MD Shawnee, KS #04-24423 Termination of Stipulation. 10-15-02
EDALATI, David D, MD Shawnee, KS #04-24423 Deny Reconsideration. 08-28-02
EDALATI, David D, MD Shawnee, KS #04-24423 Termination of Limitations Denied. 06-07-02
EDALATI, David D, MD Shawnee, KS #04-24423 Stipulation, Education, Monitoring, Cost. 10-17-00
EDWARDS, Mary J., RT Wichita, KS #16-00059 License Cancelled. 10-03-16
EDWARDS, Sandra J., MD Independence, KS #04-22912 Requirements Met. 02-15-12
EDWARDS, Sandra J, MD Independence, KS #04-22912 Fine Paid. 09-01-11
EDWARDS, Sandra J, MD Independence, KS #04-22912 Civil Fine. 07-14-11
EDWARDS, Sandra J., M.D. Leawood, KS #04-22912 Termination of Suspension. 02-12-07
EDWARDS, Sandra J.,MD Overland Park, KS #04-22912 Suspension. 10-12-05
EDWARDS, Sandra J, MD Independence, KS #04-22912 License Reinstated with Conditions and Monitoring.. 06-21-04
EDWARDS, Sandra J, MD Independence, KS #04-22912 Temporary Reinstatement with Conditions and Monitoring. 05-28-04
EGEA, Fernando, MD Merriam, KS #04-16231 Revocation/Surrender. 04-22-14
EGELHOF, Richard H., M.D. Wichita, KS #04-15947 Suspension Temporary - 12/19/07 thru 1/2/08; Costs. 12-10-07
EGLI, Ron, P.A. Leavenworth, KS #15-00428 Application Approved. 11-09-94
EISENBARTH, Sarah, Student RT Goodland, KS #19-00506 Permit Cancelled. 04-28-15
EISENBEIS, Charles F, MD Makato, MN #04-12915 Censure. 12-12-01
EITZEN, John P., MD Madison, AL #04-41224 Journal Entry of Satisfaction 05-28-21
EITZEN, John P., MD Madison, AL #04-41224 Final Order: Public Censure, Fine 05-18-21
EKER, Joseph, MD Lenexa, KS #04-20432 Terms of Consent Order Satisfied. 10-22-08
EKER, Joseph P., M.D. Lenexa, KS #04-20432 Re-entry Plan. 08-23-07
ELAHI, Ershad, MD Maplewood, NJ #04-42464 Journal Entry of Satisfaction 04-22-20
ELAHI, Ershad, MD Maplewood, NJ #04-42464 Final Order: Fine 03-31-20
ELASHKAR, Sam, DC Westwood, KS #01-25580 Costs. 02-19-03
ELASHKAR, Sam, DC Westwood, KS #01-25580 Denial of Application. 12-17-02
EL-HALAWANY, Nabil A., MD Shawnee Mission, KS #04-22004 Renewal, Fine 09-04-90
ELIAS, Mazin Abidul Masih, MD Wausau, WI #04-26639 Waiver Granted. 10-28-96
ELKOURI, Ed R., DPM Wichita, KS #12-00144 Reinstatement with Practice Monitoring. 11-21-11
ELLIS, Howard D., M.D. Overland Park, KS #04-19055 Censure; Fine. 06-11-07
ELLISON, Paul D., MD Georgetown, TX #04-13667 Stipulation Terminated. 06-17-77
ELLISON, Paul D., MD Georgetown, TX #04-13667 Stipulations, Monitoring, 05-05-76
ELO, Darin J., MD Lawrence, KS #04-28284 Consent Order Terminated. 01-06-12
ELO, Darin J., MD Lawrence, KS #04-28284 Monitoring. Temporary Limitation Terminated. 06-06-11
ELO, Darin J., MD Lawrence, KS #04-28284 Temporary limitation & monitoring. 05-03-10
EMANUEL, Joseph Jr., MD Olathe, KS #04-34226 License Granted. 02-26-10
EMBERS, Patricia A., OT Manhattan, KS #17-00426 Fine. Fine Paid. 09-16-09
EMMONS, Lawrence L., MD Lakewood, CO #04-26775 Application Approved. 03-31-97
EMMS, Charles Edward, DC   #01-05045 Monitoring. 06-12-06
ENEBELI, Chuka Godwin, MD     Conditional Temporary Permit Granted. 08-26-06
ENGELKEN, Susan A., MD Flagstaff, AZ #04-18714 Retroactive Reinstatement 10-18-95
ENSLINGER, Dustin Lynn, AT Emporia, KS #24-00921 Censure 02-24-14
ENSLINGER, Dustin Lynn, AT Emporia, KS #24-00921 Temporary License Granted with Censure. 01-22-14
ENSZ, Derek Shane, LRT Hutchinson, KS #22-03909 Revocation. 12-30-11
ENSZ, Derek Shane, LRT Hutchinson, KS #22-03909 Reconsideration Granted. 11-07-11
ENSZ, Derek Shane, LRT Hutchinson, KS #22-03909 Revocation. 08-29-11
ENSZ, Derek Shane, LRT Hutchinson, KS #22-03909 Monitoring. 04-19-11
ENZBRENNER, Janet M., L.R.T. Atchison, KS #22-02100 Journal Entry of Satisfaction 12-20-21
ENZBRENNER, Janet M., L.R.T. Atchison, KS #22-02100 Journal Entry Approving Consent Order as Amended 03-15-21
ENZBRENNER, Janet M., L.R.T. Atchison, KS #22-02100 Consent Order, Public Censure, Suspension, Fine, Education 03-15-21
EPPERSON, Greg, MD Kansas City, KS #04-29189 Final Order Terminating Consent Order 06-27-16
EPPERSON, Greg, MD Kansas City, KS #04-29189 Modification to Consent Order and Costs. 02-26-15
EPPERSON, Greg, MD Kansas City, KS #04-29189 Probation, Education, Limitation, Costs. 08-20-12
EPPERSON, Karen L [MD] Warrensburg, MO 04-24323 Consent Order 06-12-2023
ERB, Gregory Marcus, MD Hillsboro, KS #04-34857 Monitoring Terminated 12-18-14
ERB, Gregory Marcus, MD Kansas City, KS #04-34857 Monitoring, Limitations, Education. 05-21-13
ERSKIN, Joel, PA Garden City, KS #15-00265 Complete Payment for Costs Received 07-13-17
ERSKIN, Joel, PA Garden City, KS #15-00265 License revoked; costs 04-11-17
ERSKIN, Joel, PA Garden City, KS #15-00265 Revocation 03-27-17
ERSKIN, Joel, PA Garden City, KS #15-00265 Monitoring Terminated 04-22-15
ERSKIN, Joel, T., PA Wichita, KS #15-00265 Suspension , Monitoring, Fine. 04-16-12
ERSKIN, Joel, T., PA Wichita, KS #15-00265 Temporary Suspension. 06-10-14
ERSKIN, Joel, T., PA Wichita, KS #15-00265 Temporary Suspension 06-10-16
ESHGHI, Sara Rezwan LRT Wichita, KS #22-04213 Monitoring Terminated 06-17-15
ESHGHI, Sara Rezwan LRT Wichita, KS #22-04213 Ratification of Consent Order Granting Permanent Licensure with Monitoring 07-18-12
ESHGHI, Sara Rezwan LRT Wichita, KS #22-04213 Temporary License. Monitoring. 05-25-12
Essilor Group Canada, Inc. Blaine, WA #75-00017 Journal Entry of Satisfaction: Fine Paid 02-28-19
Essilor Group Canada, Inc. Blaine, WA #75-00017 Fine, Registrant Granted an Active Registration 02-01-19
ESTIVO, Michael P., DO Wichita, KS #05-23235 Final Order on Remand. 08-27-20
ESTIVO, Michael P., DO Wichita, KS #05-23235 Final Order, Education, Costs. 05-14-18
ESTIVO, Michael P., DO Wichita, KS #05-23235 Fine Paid, Education Complete. 06-07-11
ESTIVO, Michael P., DO Wichita, KS #05-23235 Education. 04-19-11
ESTIVO, Michael P., DO Overland Park, KS #05-23235 Retroactive Reinstatement, Fine. 10-19-95
ESTRELLADO, Wendy Lyn, MD   #04-32820 Licensure by Endorsement. 10-24-07
ETZENHOUSER, Russell D III, MD Overland Park, KS #04-13142 Limitation. 06-24-09
EUBANK, Margaret L., PA Junction City, KS #15-00476 Education. 04-24-09
EUBANK, Margaret Leila, PA Sand Point, AK #15-00476 Third Temp Registration Granted. 02-22-95
EUBANK, Margaret Leila, PA Sand Point, AK #15-00476 Second Temp Registration Granted. 02-09-94
EVANS, Jodie Leigh, RT Topeka, KS Withdrawal granted 02-22-16
EVANS, Jodie Leigh, RT Topeka, KS #16-03987 Application for Reinstatement Denied. 09-03-13
EVANS, Roger, MD Wichita, KS #04-13261 Exempt License, Costs 04-13-16
EWERS, Eva M., MD Rossville, KS #04-27319 Monitoring Terminated. 07-07-11
EWERS, Eva M., MD Rossville, KS #04-27319 Consent Order Accepted and Ratified. 12-21-10
EWERS, Eva M., MD Rossville, KS #04-27319 Monitoring. 10-29-10