Board Actions - Alphabetical Listing - A

NOTE: For actions occurring before 1990, there may be incomplete information posted on our website as these years are still under construction. If you are searching for a specific Board action which does not appear in this section, please make your request by email to, or by fax at (785) 368-7102, or by U.S. mail at Kansas State Board of Healing Arts, 800 SW Jackson, Lower Level- Suite A, Topeka, KS 66612. Additionally, the actions posted on the website are only provided for general information purposes and the Kansas State Board of Healing Arts does not warrant the completeness or accuracy. An independent verification of the posted information should be performed if needed for official use.

A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z

Registrant Name
Location License/
Reg. #
of Action
Action Date
ABANISHE, Ezekiel O., DO Kansas City, MO #05-18204 Dismissed. 07-10-01
ABARZUA CABEZAS, Fernando Guillermo, MD Tampa, FL   Application Denied. 02-26-14
ABARZUA CABEZAS, Fernando Guillermo, MD Tampa, FL   Licensure Denied. 07-12-13
ABDALAH, Ehab Farouk, MD   #04-31979 Licensure by Endorsement 06-12-06
ABDULKAREEM, Ismail, RT Raymore, MO #16-02630 Reinstatement. 12-31-12
ABELLANA, Max C, MD Montezuma, GA   Application Denied. 12-13-90
ABOLOYE, Pius A., MD Arlington, TX   Application Denied. 10-20-04
ABRAGAN, Stephen Isidore L, PT Wichita, KS   Application Denied. 11-16-04
ABRAGAN-CORRAL, Myrah,PT Bel Aire, KS #11-02306 Grant Request for 3rd Temporary Permit. 08-18-95
ABRAHAM, Francis, DPM Wichita, KS #12-00085 Education Completed. 07-08-09
ABRAHAM, Francis, DPM Wichita, KS #12-00085 Consent Order Modified. 03-09-09
ABRAHAM, Francis, DPM Wichita, KS #12-00085 Education. Limitation. 10-14-08
ABRAHAM, Francis, DPM Wichita, KS #12-00085 Stipulations Terminated/Enforcement. Order Dissolved. 05-21-91
ABRAHAM, Francis, DPM Wichita, KS #12-00085 Limitation, Monitoring, Education. 02-11-89
ADEBANJO, Olubukola, RT Overland Park, KS #16-02128 Fine Paid. Education Completed. 05-21-10
ADEBANJO, Olubukola, RT Overland Park, KS #16-02128 Fine. 12-09-09
ACKERMAN, Karen M., DPM Dodge City, KS #12-00286 Journal Entry of Satisfaction 05-06-19
ACKERMAN, Karen M., DPM Dodge City, KS #12-00286 Order Modified: Education 03-08-19
ACKERMAN, Karen M., DPM Dodge City, KS #12-00286 Final Order. 12-06-18
ADKINS, Jennifer D., PTA Carbondale, KS #14-02002 Fine paid. Final Order Dismissed. 06-15-16
ADKINS, Jennifer D., PTA Carbondale, KS #14-02002 Fine paid 04-26-16
ADKINS, Jennifer Dawn, PTA Carbondale, KS #14-02002 Suspension. 08-19-13
ADKINS, Jennifer Dawn, PTA Carbondale, KS #14-02002 Fine, Education. 07-15-13
ADKINS, Russell E., MD     Application Withdrawn 01-04-06
AFFIELD, Michelle, MD Lenexa, KS #04-31754 Fine. 12-19-08
AFUANG-COLLADO, Maribelle, PT Manhattan, KS #11-01976 Temporary Permit Cancelled. 10-13-93
AGBAYANI, Winston, PT Scarborough Ontario M1v #01-01702 Registration Revoked. Costs Assessed. 09-12-93
AGCAOILI, Lucrecia C., OT Oberlin, KS #17-01524 Deny 3rd Temporary Registration. 07-03-97
AGCAOILI, Lucrecia C., OT Oberlin, KS #17-01524 Grant 2nd Temporary Registration. 01-03-97
AGUSTIN, Conrado M., Sr., MD Wichita, KS #04-15625 Limitations. 05-06-11
AH-SUE, Jean Michael, MD St. Jeansurrichelieu Pq #04-26152 Grant Temporary Permit. 03-12-96
AHLQUIST, Demie, PA   #15-01055 Extension of Temporary Permit 09-02-05
AHMED, Faiz, MD Houston, TX #04-23917 License Revoked 05-01-18
AHMED, Faiz, MD Houston, TX #04-23917 Termination of Limitations. 05-12-08
AHMED, Faiz, MD Houston, TX #04-23917 Censure, Limitation. 02-02-04
AHMED, Parveen Sharif, MD Chesterfield, MO   License Granted. 09-03-09
AHMED, Riaz, MD Vestal, NY #08-00338 Institutional License Granted 06-30-15
AHUJA, Sangeeta, OT Kokomo, IN #17-01388 Grant 2nd Temporary Registration 01-03-97
AIGAER, Farris, DC Kansas City, KS #01-05424 Status Change Denied 04-28-14
AIGAER, Farris Mhed, DC   #01-05424 Licensure by Endorsement Granted Following Completion of Requirement. 09-18-08
Ainsly, Inc. d/b/a Hi Waldo Carlisle, PA 75-00030 Final Order 08-15-2023
AKIDIVA, Samuel Kilaho, MD Wichita, KS #94-07513 License Granted. 04-30-13
AKINYODE, Akinsola [PT] Gainesville, FL 11-07497 Journal Entry Granting License 01-08-2024
AKRAM, Muhammad., PA Wichita, KS   Reinstatement Denied. 04-17-15
AKRAM, Muhammad Q., PA Wichita, KS #15-01015 Limitations Terminated. 04-23-09
AKRAM, Muhammad Q., PA Wichita, KS #15-01015 Censure; Limitations. 02-25-08
AKRAM, Muhammad Qadeer., PA Wichita, KS #15-01015 Grant Extension of Temporary Permit. 12-20-04
AKRAM, Muhammad Qadeer., PA Wichita, KS #15-01015 Grant Retroactive Extension of Permit. 10-27-04
AL-ASHKAR, Adnan, MD   #04-18803 License Surrendered 02-03-15
ALBARRACIN, Alan G., M.D. Wichita, KS #04-19278 Fine 08-14-06
ALBARRACIN, Alan G., MD Wichita, KS #04-19278 Stipulation Terminated. 10-20-00
ALBARRACIN, Alan G., MD Wichita, KS #04-19278 Deny Modifications. 06-23-92
ALBARRACIN, Alan G., MD Wichita, KS #04-19278 Education. Limitation. 01-20-89
ALBERS, Mark L., DC Andover, KS #01-03881 Monitoring Terminated. 09-04-09
ALBERS, Mark, D.C. Andover, KS #01-03881 Limitation. 08-20-07
ALBERT, Steven E., DO Oberlin, KS #05-24773 Default. Application for Reinstatement Denied. 01-13-14
ALBERT, Steven E., DO Ft. Riley, KS #05-24773 Fine Paid. Education. Education Completed. 02-26-10
ALBERT, Steven E., DO Ft. Riley, KS #05-24773 Censure; Fine 11-07-06
ALBERT, Steven E., DO Ft. Riley, KS #05-24773 Termination of Order. 02-09-04
ALBERT, Steven E., DO Ft. Riley, KS #05-24773. Limitations Modified. 02-24-03
ALBERT, Steven, DO Ft. Riley, KS #05-24773 Limitation, Assessment of Costs. 12-13-00
ALBRACHT, Anthony A., MD Leawood, KS #04-24475 Temporary Permit Extended. 03-17-93
ALBRIGHT, Jerold D., MD Hutchinson, KS #04-13725 Termination of Stipulation and Enforcement Order. 12-15-99
ALBRIGHT, Jerold D., MD Hutchinson, KS #04-13725 Stipulation and Enforcement Order Modified. 06-10-94
ALBRIGHT, Jerold D., MD Hutchinson, KS #04-13725 Modification of Stipulation. 12-22-93
ALBRIGHT, Jerold D., MD Hutchinson, KS #04-13725 Limitations. Monitoring. 04-19-93
ALCOX, Leroy Jr., MD Freeland, MI #04-11003 Action Dismissed. 08-17-90
ALCOX, Leroy Jr., MD Freeland, MI #04-11003 Revoke License and Stay Revocation for 1 Year. 06-16-78
ALEXANDER, Eldon W., DC Pleasonton, KS #01-03045 Limitations. Fine. 06-12-92
ALEXANDER, Shane, DO Kingman, KS #05-25295 Practice Monitoring Terminated. 10-27-11
ALEXANDER, Shane, DO Kingman, KS #05-25295 Fine. Monitoring. 04-20-10
ALEXANDER, Shane, DO Kingman, KS #05-25295 Grant Retroactive Reinstatement. 12-11-01
ALEXANDER, Wiley N., DC Washington, KS #01-03917 CE Requirements and Fine. Fine Paid. Requirements Met. 03-29-13
ALKHOURI, Iyad M., MD Burr Ridge, IL #04-42028 Journal Entry of Satisfaction 04-22-20
ALKHOURI, Iyad M., MD Burr Ridge, IL #04-42028 Final Order: Fine 04-08-20
ALLEN, Barbara A., RT (a.k.a. Barbara Allen Roecker, RT) Ottawa, KS #16-00064 Fees Paid, Suspension Lifted. 07-13-11
ALLEN, Bryan M., LRT Tonganoxie, KS #22-00159 Journal Entry of Satisfaction 03-10-21
ALLEN, Bryan M., LRT Tonganoxie, KS #22-00159 Consent Order: Public Censure, Fine 02-23-21
ALLEN, Jay L., MD Pleasanton, KS #04-25875 Journal Entry of Satisfaction 10-17-19
ALLEN, Jay L., MD Pleasanton, KS #04-25875 Public Censure, Fine 07-17-19
ALLEN, Mark L [MD] Overland Park, KS 04-20229 Order Terminating 01-06-2023
ALLEN, Mark L [MD] Overland Park, KS 04-20229 Order Terminating Consent Order 02-20-2023
ALLEN, Mark, MD Parma Heights, OH #04-20229 Order Granting Motion to Terminate Provision of Consent Order 05-06-19
ALLEN, Mark, MD Parma Heights, OH #04-20229 Limitation and Monitoring. 12-07-17
ALLEN, Mark, MD Parma Heights, OH #04-20229 Suspension Terminated. Inactive License Granted. 07-18-12
ALLEN, Mark L., MD Parma Heights, OH #04-20229 Suspension, Censure. 02-28-11
ALLEN, Mark L., MD Chagrin Falls , OH #04-20229 Censure. 04-25-05
ALLEN, Robert Wayne, DC Shawnee Mission, KS #01-04369 District Court Consent Judgment. 08-09-02
ALLEN, Wendy K., LRT Tonganoxie, KS #22-00160 Journal Entry of Satisfaction 05-07-21
ALLEN, Wendy K., LRT Tonganoxie, KS #22-00160 Consent Order: Public Censure, Fine, Education 02-23-21
ALONTE, Jericho B., OT Fairfield, IA #97-24560 Grant 2nd Temporary Registration. 07-03-97
ALONZO, Luis S., MD Hutchinson, KS #08-00245 Deny Request to Average Scores. 02-26-98
ALONZO, Luis S., MD Hutchinson, KS #08-00245 Deny Request to Average Scores. 01-06-98
ALONZO, Luis S., MD Hutchinson, KS #08-00245 Reconsideration Denied. 10-29-96
ALONZO, Luis S., MD Hutchinson, KS #08-00245 Deny Application by Endorsement. 09-16-96
AL-SAIDI, Nazar A., MD Kansas City, MO #04-28585 Grant Waiver. 03-06-00
ALSOUFIEV, Alexander, MD Kansas City, MO #04-28250 Grant Waiver. 01-21-99
ALTAI, Bakir, MD Hackensack, NJ #04-25411 Grant Temporary Permit and Permanent License. 11-03-94
ALTIC, Rocky A., PTA Pleasant Hope, MO #14-00614 Certification Granted. 07-20-92
ALVAREZ, Luis A., MD Boca Raton, FL #04-31598 Not Guilty of Any Violations 10-25-79
AMIEWALAN, Anthony O., MD Sidney, OH   Application Denied. 10-20-04
AMIN, Aakash, Ramesh Kansas City, KS   Retroactively Extend Postgraduate Permit. 12-20-04
AMINI, Jafar, MD Leawood, KS #04-19507 Censure 12-12-16
AMINI, Jafar, MD Leawood, KS #04-19507 Retroactive Reinstatement. 03-30-92
MANICKAVASAGAM AMUDHAVALLI, Shivarajan, MD Kansas City, MO #04-36759 Licensure by Endorsement Granted. 08-23-13
AMUNGA, Monica Ayuma, OT Cincinnati, OH #17-01489 Request for 3rd Temporary Registration Denied. 05-06-96
AMUNGA, Monica Ayuma, OT Cincinnati, OH #17-01489 Grant 2nd Temporary Registration. 10-26-95
ANANDANADESAN, Velupillai, MD Hutchinson, KS #04-25315 Revocation. 07-15-05
ANANDANADESAN, Velupillai, MD Hutchinson, KS #04-25315 Suspension. 03-31-05
ANDAYA, Mirriam Estrada, MD Topeka, KS #04-35642 Requirements Met. Limitation Terminated. 10-17-13
ANDAYA, Mirriam Estrada, MD Topeka, KS #04-35642 License Granted with Limitations. 04-25-12
ANDAYA, Mirriam Estrada, MD Topeka, KS #T-03238 Temporary License Granted with Limitations, 03-06-12
ANDERSEN, Anita, M., DO Wichita, KS #05-23490 Status Change to Inactive. 06-20-13
ANDERSEN, Anita, M., DO Wichita, KS 05-23490 Monitoring. 08-19-08
ANDERSON, Erica Leigh, AT Wichita, KS #24-00866 License Granted. with Public Reprimand. 04-26-13
ANDERSON, Erica Leigh, AT Wichita, KS #24-00866 Temporary License Granted with Public Reprimand. 02-13-13
ANDERSON, Hampton Wade III, DO McAlester, OK #05-24017 Retroactive Revocation effective 8/6/10. 11-16-12
ANDERSON, Hampton Wade III, DO McAlester, OK #05-24017 Suspension. 08-26-10
ANDERSON, Hampton Wade III, DO McAlester, OK #05-24017 Suspension. 08-06-10
ANDERSON, Hampton Wade III, DO McAlester, OK #05-24017 Modification. Temporary Permit Granted.. 02-28-92
ANDERSON, Hampton Wade III, DO McAlester, OK #05-24017 Reconsideration Granted. Cancellation Stayed. 09-12-91
ANDERSON, Hampton Wade III, DO McAlester, OK #05-24017 Reconsideration Granted. Cancellation Stayed. 06-19-91
ANDERSON, Hampton Wade III, DO McAlester, OK #05-24017 Cancellation. 05-14-91
ANDERSON, John R., RT Bella Vista, AR   Application Denied. 10-22-99
ANDERSON, Joseph M., DC Olathe, KS #01-05282 Consent Order 08-15-22
ANDERSON, Keith A., DC Merriam, KS #01-04370 Probation. Limitations. 10-19-09
ANDERSON, Marlyse, PA Wichita, KS #15-01347 Censure. 02-23-10
ANDERSON, Roger, DC Overland Park, KS #01-03678 Journal Entry of Satisfaction 03-04-21
ANDERSON, Roger, DC Overland Park, KS #01-03678 Modification of Consent Order 03-08-16
ANDERSON, Roger, DC Overland Park, KS #01-03678 Monitoring 01-26-16
ANDERSON, Wilton Rea, DO Bella Vista, AR #05-12993 License Cancelled. 10-15-93
ANSARI, Sharique Aslam, MD Kansas City, KS #94-07749 Postgraduate Permint by Endorsement. 07-14-11
ANSINGKAR, Kalyani Kamlesh, OT Millbrook, AL #17-01350 Grant 2nd Temporary Registration. 10-28-96
ANTONATOS, Miguel [MD] Chicago, IL 04-44257 Final Order 03-27-2024
ANWAR, Mohammad, MD Leavenworth, KS #04-15870 License Revoked. 02-15-00
ANWAR, Mohammad, MD Leavenworth, KS #04-15870 Suspension. 05-12-99
ANWAR, Mohammad K., MD Kenner, LA #04-41893 Final Order: Public Censure 02-04-21
APPLEMAN, David W.,     Withdrawal Granted. 05-01-12
ARAUJO, Lorenzo, MD Oklahoma City, OK #08-00269 Withdrawal Granted. 05-01-12
ARCHANGE, Yvrose, MD North Miami Beach, FL   Reconsideration Denied. 01-29-13
ARCHANGE, Yvrose, MD North Miami Beach, FL   License Denied. 04-28-10
AREGBE, Morenikeji Wosilat, OT St. Joseph, MO #17-01054 Second Temp Registration Granted. 05-05-96
ARKELL, William J., DO Shawnee, KS #05-19177 Denial of Reinstatement. 03-17-08
ARKELL, William J., DO Kansas Ctiy, MO #05-19177 Terminate Stipulation. 12-07-96
ARKELL, William J., DO Kansas Ctiy, MO #05-19177 Stipulation. 05-26-94
Arlington Contact Lens Service, Inc. Columbus, OH   Fine. 12-14-05
ARNEJO, Kerwin M., PT Bradenton, FL #9247515 Third Temp Permit Denied. 11-05-92
ARNOLD, Michael, LRT Tulsa, OK #NA Application for Licensure Denied 05-21-19
ARTHUR, Dennis B., P.T. Merriam, KS #11-00768 Censure. 10-24-07
ARTHUR, Dennis B., PT Merriam, KS #11-00768 Modification of Limitations 06-12-06
ARTHUR, Dennis B., PT Merriam, KS #11-00768 Limitation, Assessed Cost 12-13-04
ARVANITAKIS, Constantine, MD   #04-15424 Cancellation 10-12-00
ASAR,, Nayla Qamar, MD Shawnee, KS #04-26759 Permission to Sit for Exam Granted. 05-06-96
ASEBEDO, Edward, LRT     Temporary License with Monitoring 12-31-15
ASEBEDO, Edward, LRT Wichita, KS #22-05144 License Granted with Monitoring 02-22-16
ASEBEDO, Edward, LRT Wichita, KS #22-05144 Final Order Terminating Consent Order 12-22-17
ASFARI, Ahmed Wichita, KS #94-07618 Consent Order Terminated 08-07-14
ASFARI, Ahmed Wichita, KS #94-07618 Postgraduate Permit Cancelled, Supplemental Postgraduate Permit Approved. Education. 06-19-14
ATKINS, Theresa Ann, RT Olathe, KS #16-03971 Revocation. 05-31-11
ATKINS, Theresa Ann, RT St. John's, Florida #16-03971 Monitoring. 08-24-10
AUNINS, John, MD Wichita, KS #04-12168 Surrender, Monitoring. 10-17-95
AUSTIN, Mark, R.T. Gower, MO #16-03153 Reinstated. 10-09-07
AUXIER, David Jeffrey, DC St. Joseph, MO   Waiver Denied. 03-03-99
AVINA, Jeannelle, RT St. Charles, MO #16-03693 Censure. 02-03-10
AVIS, Mary Cay, PTA Meade, KS #9501864 Third Temp Permit Denied. 10-14-95
AWITI, Charles Ochieng, OT St. Joseph, MO #17-01217 Second Temp Registration Granted. 05-05-95
AYALA, Jennifer Ann, LRT Olathe, KS #T-02833 Monitoring Terminated. 12-29-11
AYALA, Jennifer Ann, LRT Overland Park, KS #T-02833 Consent Order Accepted and Ratified. 12-21-10
AYALA, Jennifer Ann, LRT Overland Park, KS #T-02833 Monitoring. 09-24-10
AYERS, Timothy C., RT Wichita, KS   Termination of Limitation 05-05-05
AYERS, Timothy C., RT Wichita, KS   Censure, Limitation. 02-21-05
AYERS, Timothy C, RT Wichita, KS #04-26873 Monitoring. 06-22-04
AYYASH, Maher Omar, MD Wexford, PA #04-30220 Education Complete, License Granted. 07-14-03
AYYASH, Maher Omar, MD Wexford, PA #04-30220 License Application Granted with Education. 04-30-03
AZNAUROVA, Lolitta, MD Leawood, KS #04-27422 Waiver Granted. 10-03-97