Board Actions - Alphabetical Listing - V

NOTE: For actions occurring before 1990, there may be incomplete information posted on our website as these years are still under construction. If you are searching for a specific Board action which does not appear in this section, please make your request by email to, or by fax at (785) 368-7102, or by U.S. mail at Kansas State Board of Healing Arts, 800 SW Jackson, Lower Level- Suite A, Topeka, KS 66612. Additionally, the actions posted on the website are only provided for general information purposes and the Kansas State Board of Healing Arts does not warrant the completeness or accuracy. An independent verification of the posted information should be performed if needed for official use.

A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z

Registrant Name
Location License/
Reg. #
of Action
Action Date
VALENTINE, Tanika, LRT Kansas City, MO #22-04679 Monitoring Terminated 06-22-17
VALENTINE, Tanika Danyialle, LRT Manhattan, KS #T-03807 License Pending. Censure, Monitoring, Costs. 06-16-14
VALENTINE, Tanika Danyialle, LRT Manhattan, KS #T-03807 Temporary License Cancelled. Continuation. 12-19-13
VALENTINE, Tanika Danyialle, LRT Manhattan, KS #T-03807 Temporary License Granted with Monitoring. 11-15-13
VALLDEPERAS, Salvador Francisco. MD Lees Summit, MO #04-35373 Limitation Terminated. 12-19-13
VALLDEPERAS, Salvador Francisco. MD Lees Summit, MO #T-03087 Limitations Modified. 10-30-12
VALLDEPERAS, Salvador Francisco. MD Lees Summit, MO #T-03087 Temporary License with Limitations. 09-25-12
VALLDEPERAS, Salvador Francisco, MD Lees Summitt, MO #T-03087 Limitations. 07-29-11
VAL-MEJIAS, Jesus E., MD   #04-20814 Education 06-12-06
VAN AS, Andre W., MD   #04-25070 Licensure by Endorsement 03-29-94
VANDER YACHT, James M., DC Salina, KS #01-03827 Censure. 03-21-05
VANDEVER, Cassandra, PT Parkerfield, LS #11-03300 Suspension, Fied, Education. 11-07-11
VANG, Peter Shane, PA Wichita, KS #T-00858 Extended Temporary License. 10-23-07
VAN METER, Bryan S., PA Overland Park, KS #15-00697 Suspension 09-01-15
VAN METER, Bryan S., PA Overland Park, KS #15-00697 Modifications. 08-26-10
VAN METER, Bryan S., PA Overland Park, KS #15-00697 Censure. 06-21-08
VANVOORN, Catherine M., MD Columbia, MO #04-34055 Requirements satisfied. 12-09-09
VANVOORN, Catherine M., MD Columbia, MO #04-34055 Censure. Education. 10-19-09
VASIREDDY, Jhansi R., MD Kansas City, Kansas #94-04286 Dismissal. 12-17-95
VASIREDDY, Jhansi R., MD Kansas City, Kansas #94-04286 Extension Denied. 06-09-94
VASUDEVAN, Gopi, MD Bartlesville, OK #04-22536 License Cancelled. 02-21-05
VEER, Andrea J., OTA Newton, KS #T-03576 Fine Paid. 07-01-13
VEER, Andrea J., OTA Newton, KS #T-03576 Licensure Granted with Fine. 06-25-13
VEER, Andrea J., OTA Newton, KS #T-03576 Temporary License Granted. Fine. 04-26-13
VENEZIA, Alicia Linette, PT Bayside, NY #96-21848 Third Temporary Permit Denied. 11-21-96
VENKATESH, Latha, MD Leawood, KS #04-22538 Retroactive Reinstatement. 11-27-94
VERMA, Vishal San Diego, CA 04-35315 Consent Order 04-17-2023
VERNON, Anita G., RT Emporia, KS #16-01645 Revocation. 02-02-04
VERNON, Anita G., RT Emporia, KS #16-01645 7-day Suspension. 12-10-03
VERNON, Anita G., RT Emporia, KS #16-01645 Censure, Monitoring. 04-29-03
VERNON, Anita G, RT Emporia, KS #16-01645 Censure, Limitation. 10-23-01
VERNON, Mary, MD Kansas City, MO #04-17719 Revocation 12-22-14
VERNON, Mary C., MD Shawnee, KS #04-17719 Fine Paid. Education Completed. 03-10-10
VERNON, Mary C., MD Shawnee, KS #04-17719 Censure. Education. Fine. Costs. 09-09-09
VIERTHALER, Jesse, MD Lawrence, KS #04-35372 Journal Entry Granting Amended Motion to Terminate Consent Order 11-09-20
VIERTHALER, Jesse, MD Lawrence, KS #04-35372 Monitoring 08-20-15
VIERTHALER, Jesse, MD Lawrence, KS #04-35372 Temporary Active License with Monitoring 07-06-15
VIERTHALER, Jesse, MD Lawrence, KS #04-35372 Temporary Active License with Monitoring. 08-15-14
VIERTHALER, Jesse W., MD Topeka, KS #04-35372 Monitoring. 10-28-11
VIGNERY, Christina, RT Salina, KS #16-03213 Fine. 06-23-08
VILLEGAS, Israel, DC Goddard, KS #01-04020 Journal Entry of Satisfaction 01-15-20
VILLEGAS, Israel, DC Goddard, KS #01-04020 Public Censure, Fine 12-04-19
VINZANT, Whitney, MD Wichita, KS #04-16020 Limitations, Probation 07-13-15
VINZANT, Whitney, MD Wichita, KS #04-16020 Reconsideration of Final Order Granted. 02-17-15
VINZANT, Whitney, MD Wichita, KS #04-16020 Limitation and Requirements. 08-19-14
VISION     Fine. 10-01-03
Visionworks     Journal Entry of Satisfaction 09-26-19
Visionworks     Fine 09-20-19
VOBORIL, Reggie Jo, M.D. Overland Park, KS #04-29050 Final Order Terminating Consent Order 11-03-21
VOBORIL, Reggie Jo, M.D. Overland Park, KS #04-29050 Monitoring. 08-16-16
VOSS, Timothy J. D.C. Pittsburg, KS #01-04690 Fine Paid. CE Completed. 04-28-08
VOSS, Timothy J., D.C. Pittsburg, KS #01-04690 Fine, Continuing Education. 03-27-08
VROOMAN, Ginah, PT Fort Leavenworth, KS   Application Denied. 05-05-04
VU, Khanh Thi Nha, MD Irvine, CA   Reconsideration Denied. 06-25-13
VU, Khanh Thi Nha, MD Irvine, CA   Denial. 04-30-13
VU, Thanh N., DO Wichita, KS #05-28430 Requirements Met. 06-16-99
VU, Them Le, MD Firsco, TX #04-28995 License Reinstated. 07-01-09