2004 Board Actions

NOTE: For actions occurring before 1990, there may be incomplete information posted on our website as these years are still under construction. If you are searching for a specific Board action which does not appear in this section, please make your request by email to KSBHA_openrecords@ks.gov, or by fax at (785) 368-7102, or by U.S. mail at Kansas State Board of Healing Arts, 800 SW Jackson, Lower Level- Suite A, Topeka, KS 66612. Additionally, the actions posted on the website are only provided for general information purposes and the Kansas State Board of Healing Arts does not warrant the completeness or accuracy. An independent verification of the posted information should be performed if needed for official use.

A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z

Registrant Name
Location License/
Reg. #
of Action
Action Date
ABOLOYE, Pius A., MD Arlington, TX   Application Denied. 10-20-04
ABRAGAN, Stephen Isidore L, PT Wichita, KS   Application Denied. 11-16-04
AHMED, Faiz, MD Houston, TX #04-23917 Censure, Limitation. 02-02-04
AKRAM, Muhammad Qadeer., PA Wichita, KS #15-01015 Grant Extension of Temporary Permit. 12-20-04
AKRAM, Muhammad Qadeer., PA Wichita, KS #15-01015 Grant Retroactive Extension of Permit. 10-27-04
ALBERT, Steven E., DO Ft. Riley, KS #05-24773 Termination of Order. 02-09-04
AMIEWALAN, Anthony O., MD Sidney, OH   Application Denied. 10-20-04
AMIN, Aakash, Ramesh Kansas City, KS   Retroactively Extend Postgraduate Permit. 12-20-04
ARTHUR, Dennis B., PT Merriam, KS #11-00768 Limitation, Assessed Cost 12-13-04
AYERS, Timothy C, RT Wichita, KS #04-26873 Monitoring. 06-22-04
BENNETT, Christopher L., DC Wichita, KS #01-04277 Fine. 12-13-04
BERMAN, Bruce H., MD Jupiter, FL #04-30802 Monitoring 06-21-04
BHATTATIRY, Manu M., MD Irving, TX #04-30672 Waiver Granted. 04-22-04
BLOCK, Jerome E., MD Tulsa, OK #04-20630 Modification. 01-08-04
BONEE, Kathleen, DC Basehor, KS #01-04668 Fine. 11-01-04
BORGENDALE, Llewellyn, MD Wamego, KS #04-12558 Modification of Stipulation. 02-04-04
BROOKS, Dana A., RT Wichita, KS #16-03085 Special Permit Cancelled. 02-19-04
CARNEY, Ivan G., DC Mulvane, KS #01-03680 Limitation, Censure, Fine. 08-23-04
CASTRISOS, James C., MD Wichita, KS #04-25180 Monitoring. 04-19-04
CODY, Ronald J., DC Valley Center, KS #01-03859 Fine. 10-18-04
CRUZ, Glen, PT Burlington, CO   Default-Application Denied. 12-20-04
DICKSON, Jack M., DC El Dorado, KS #01-02387 Fine. 12-13-04
DOAN, Viet Q., RT Lenexa, KS #16-03021 Special Permit Cancelled. 02-19-04
DREWRY, Marcia A., DO Orlando, FL #05-25400 Inactive License Granted. 07-08-04
ECK, Bradley D., DC Wichita, KS #01-04269 Censure, Fine. 04-19-04
ECK, Todd H., DC Andover, KS #01-03922 Censure, Fine. 04-19-04
EDWARDS, Sandra J, MD Independence, KS #04-22912 License Reinstated with Conditions and Monitoring.. 06-21-04
EDWARDS, Sandra J, MD Independence, KS #04-22912 Temporary Reinstatement with Conditions and Monitoring. 05-28-04
FIESER, Merle J., MD Great Bend, KS #04-18324 Revocation. 02-03-04
FINO, Sameer A., MD Shawneee Mission, KS #04-30544 Fine. 02-02-04
FISHER, Sabra, DO Tulsa, OK   License Denied. 11-03-04
FISHER, Sabra, DO Tulsa, OK   Application Denied. 10-20-04
FISHER, Steven J., RT Gladstone, MO   Application Denied. 04-22-04
FORNELLI II, Tony J., DPM Wichita, KS #12-00279 Censure, Fine. 12-13-04
GALLIART-SCHARTZ, Tammy, PT Dodge City, KS #11-02255 Censure, Fine. 08-16-04
GEENENS, Douglas L., DO Overland Park, KS #05-22577 1-Week Suspension, Censure. 12-11-04
GERSTBERGER, Mark A., DO Ulysses, KS #05-26485 Censure. 02-02-04
GOCHEE, Peter Andre, MD Roeland Park, KS, #94-06248 Grant Postgrad Permit With Conditions. 06-22-04
HANEY, Scott B., RT Great Bend, KS #16-02695 Revocation. 02-03-04
HARDING, Phyllis D., MD Dodge City, KS #04-24265 Suspension, Censure, Fine
HARDING, Phyllis D., MD Dodge City, KS #04-24265 Initial Order. 12-16-04
HASTINGS, Charles W., MD Boulder, CO   Limitation. 12-13-04
HECKES, Travis D., DC Overland Park, KS #01-04921 Monitoring. 08-30-04
HUSS, Mary A., DC Lawrence, KS #01-04883 License Granted. 02-03-04
JAGER, Daryle A., RT Shawnee, KS #16-02141 Censure. 10-18-04
JOHNSON, Lawrence R., MD Tulsa, OK #04-30564 Application Approved with Monitoring. 02-09-04
KAUFFMAN, Christopher P., DC Lawrence, KS #01-04075 Limitation. 06-22-04
KAVANAUGH, Shawn J., PT Shawnee, KS #11-01192 Consent Order Terminated. 04-22-04
KEMP, David B., MD Emporia, KS #04-29504 Requirement. 08-16-04
KEMP, David B., MD Emporia, KS #04-29504 Temporary Limitation. 03-18-04
KUHN, Steven P., DC Mesa, AZ #01-04488 Censure, Limitation. 12-13-04
LADD, Ella, DC Overland Park, KS #01-04202 1-Day Revocation, Censure. 12-20-04
LADD, Ella, DC Overland Park, KS #01-04202 Temporary Stay. 08-23-04
LOGAN, Daniel P.,MD Overland Park, KS #04-27332 Limitation. 08-16-04
LOGAN, Daniel P.,MD Ottawa, KS #04-27332 Limitation. 04-22-04
LOUK, Ernest L., DPM Las Vegas, NV #12-00228 Fine, Costs. 02-03-04
LUNA, Anthony D., MD Bucklin, KS #04-20309 Suspension Lifted, Censure. 10-18-04
LUNA, Anthony D., MD Bucklin, KS #04-20309 Suspension. 01-28-04
MARBAN, Manuel I., MD Des Peres, MO #04-31043 Licensure Granted. 10-27-04
MARTIN, Michael E., DC Topeka, KS #01-04233 Petition Dismissed. 10-27-04
MARTIN, Michael E., DC Topeka, KS #01-04233 Costs. 10-25-04
MATTHYS, Gerard A.,MD Prairie Village, KS #12-00107 Reinstatement Denied. 04-22-04
MAWDSLEY, Michael W., MD Wichita, KS #04-16234 Censure, Fine. 08-16-04
MEDEIROS, Steven P., DO Wister, OK #05-30130 Consent Order Terminated. 06-28-04
MEIER, Diane Fay, OTA Kaw City, OK #18-00610 Monitoring. 12-13-04
MENSCH, Christie M., MD (a.k.a. Christie M. Swenson, MD) Lenexa, KS #04-31837 Conditions. Monitoring. 10-18-04
MILLER, Emi, MD Charlottesville, VA   Withdrawal. 04-20-04
MITCHELL, Nedra, PT Overland Park, KS #11-00879 Approval of Continuing Education Denied. 12-21-04
MOORE, James Merton, III, MD Leavenworth, KS #04-31047 Licensure Granted. 10-27-04
MUIR, Colin Max, MD Cocoa Beach, FL   Withdrawal. 10-20-04
NEAL, Sandra N., PTA Topeka, KS #14-00335 Censure, Fine. 08-16-04
NEEDHAM, H. Marcus, PT Ceeney, KS #11-02111 Corporate Name Denied. 11-09-04
NOURELDIN, Wayel Aly M., MD Kansas City, KS #94-05461 Revocation. 04-22-04
ORGAN, Alan E., MD Overland Park, KS #04-17107 Revocation. 06-21-04
OTTO, David R., MD Wichita, KS #04-27576 Grant Active License. Limitations. 04-22-04
PARRA, Daniel C.,MD Kansas City, KS #04-20059 Reinstatement Denied. 05-05-04
PATEL, Rina S., PT Springfield, MO   Withdrawal. 06-29-04
PHAN, An Thoai, MD Garden City, KS #04-26574 Censure, Fine. Costs. 06-22-04
POPHAM, Jerry K., MD Denver, CO #04-23793 Grant Retroactive Reinstatement. 04-22-04
QUIJANO Jr., Ramon S., MD Ulysses, KS #04-20069 Limitation. 12-13-04
RINGEL, Steven D., MD Shawnee Mission, KS #04-28474 Revocation. 12-13-04
ROUNSBORG, Gerald W., MD North Platte, NE #04-20078 Suspension. 12-16-04
SABHARWAL, Paramjeet,MD Annandale, VA   Limitation. 04-22-04
SAMUELSON, Dean C., MD Topeka, KS #04-16860 Refund Denied. 11-04-04
SAMUELSON, Dean C., MD Topeka, KS #04-16860 Revocation. 06-23-04
SIMMONS, Michael R., MD Frontenac, KS #04-24193 Deny Termination of Limitations. 04-22-04
SMITH, Larry D., MD Sandy, Utah #04-27347 Limitations 04-22-04
SOLANO, Ambrosio A., MD Aurora, CO #04-31457 Temporary Permit Extended, Licensure Granted with Monitoring. 06-27-05
SOLANO, Ambrosio A., MD Aurora, CO #04-31457 Temporary Permit Granted with Monitoring. 05-05-05
SPRINGER, Jackie R., MD Overland Park, KS #04-23628 Revocation 12-14-04
SPRINGER, Jackie R., MD Overland Park, KS #04-23628 Stay Denied. 12-14-04
SPRINGER, Jackie R., MD Overland Park, KS #04-23628 Initial Order. 11-03-04
STEVENS, Sean K., DC Liberal, KS #01-04436 Reinstatement Denied. 06-22-04
STONEHOCKER, Lori L., DO Franklin, NE #05-25310 Limitation. Education. Costs. 10-18-04
SWEENEY, Cabot L., MD Overland Park, KS #04-21945 Education Requirements. 04-19-04
SWENSON, Christie M., MD (a.k.a. Christie M. Mensch, MD) Lenexa, KS #04-31837 Conditions. Monitoring. 10-18-04
TRETBAR, Lawrence L., MD Shawnee Mission, KS #04-12604 Surrender. 06-22-04
VERNON, Anita G., RT Emporia, KS #16-01645 Revocation. 02-02-04
VROOMAN, Ginah, PT Fort Leavenworth, KS   Application Denied. 05-05-04
WADE, Edward J., MD Andover, KS #04-20102 Limitations Modified. 12-14-04
WARE, Brian L., DPM Manhattan, KS #12-00259 Grant Retroactive Reinstatement.
WARE, Brian L., DPM Manhattan, KS #12-00259 Consent Order Modified. 06-22-04
WOODS, Thomas, A. RT Boerne, KS #16-03139 Licensure Granted. 12-21-04
WRIGHT, Andrew David, MD Tulsa, OK #04-30988 Monitoring. 08-16-04
ZHITLOVSKY, German, MD Lenexa, KS #04-25399 Suspension. 12-20-04
ZUJKO, Richard D., MD Liberal, KS #04-23833 Revocation. 02-02-04