2016 Board Actions

NOTE: For actions occurring before 1990, there may be incomplete information posted on our website as these years are still under construction. If you are searching for a specific Board action which does not appear in this section, please make your request by email to KSBHA_openrecords@ks.gov, or by fax at (785) 368-7102, or by U.S. mail at Kansas State Board of Healing Arts, 800 SW Jackson, Lower Level- Suite A, Topeka, KS 66612. Additionally, the actions posted on the website are only provided for general information purposes and the Kansas State Board of Healing Arts does not warrant the completeness or accuracy. An independent verification of the posted information should be performed if needed for official use.

A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z

Registrant Name
Location License/
Reg. #
of Action
Action Date
ADKINS, Jennifer D., PTA Carbondale, KS #14-02002 Fine paid 04-26-16
ADKINS, Jennifer D., PTA Carbondale, KS #14-02002 Fine paid. Final Order Dismissed. 06-15-16
AMINI, Jafar, MD Leawood, KS #04-19507 Censure 12-12-16
ANDERSON, Roger, DC Overland Park, KS #01-03678 Monitoring 01-26-16
ANDERSON, Roger, DC Overland Park, KS #01-03678 Modification of Consent Order 03-08-16
ASEBEDO, Edward, LRT Wichita, KS #22-05144 License Granted with Monitoring 02-22-16
BACON, Nicholas, RT Emporia, KS #19-00528 Monitoring Terminated 04-15-16
BAKER, Zachary, DC Kansas City, KS #01-05780 Monitoring, Censure 10-20-16
BASGALL, Katie, PTA Colby, KS #Pending License Granted with Monitoring 04-13-16
BASKERVILLE-CROME, Sara, DC Hanover, KS #01-05005 Monitoring/Consent Order Terminated 10-28-16
BEAN, Alicia, MD Russell, KS #04-34611 Consent Order Terminated 08-25-16
BENNINGTON, Sean, DC Wichita, KS #01-05204 Withdrawal Denied, Reinstatement Denied 03-08-16
BICKELHAUPT, Ethan E., MD   #04-18225 Practice Monitoring Terminated 06-17-16
BOLAND, Michael, AT Tecumseh, KS #24-00753 License Granted with Censure 01-11-16
BOLAND, Michael, AT Tecumseh, KS #24-00753 License Granted with Censure 02-22-16
BRACHFELD, Claude, MD Denver, CO #04-30230 Public Censure, Probation, Education, Fine, Costs 08-16-16
BRATMAN, Katie, Stu RT Overland Park, KS #19-00549 Special Permit Cancelled 05-03-16
BROWN, Jared, AT Pratt, KS #24-00927 License Granted with Censure 02-22-16
BROWN, Richard Lee, MD Shawnee, KS #04-29701 Monitoring Terminated. 12-13-16
BROWN, Richard Lee, MD Shawnee, KS #04-29701 Correction to 12-13-16 Order. 12-21-16
BRYANT, DeVon, AT Coffeyville, KS #Pending Temporary License Granted with Censure 12-13-16
BUESE, William, AT Olathe, KS #24-00077 Temp License Granted with Censure 04-06-16
BUESE, William, AT Olathe, KS #24-00077 Censure 06-17-16
BURKS, Savannah, AT Lawrence, KS #24-00970 License Granted with Censure 02-22-16
BUSH, Roger, LRT Benton, KS #22-00911 Monitoring 08-17-16
BUSSELL, Lisa, RT Lenexa, KS #16-02737 Suspension 06-07-16
BUSSELL, Lisa   #16-02737 Fine Paid and Education Complete 06-22-16
BYERS, Martha, MD Overland Park, KS #04-18704 Monitoring Terminated 09-09-16
CARLSON, Savannah, OTA Lindsborg, KS #18-00819 Temporary License Granted with Censure 02-03-16
CARLSON, Savannah, OTA Lindsborg, KS #18-00819 License Granted with Censure 06-16-16
CHENEY, Aaron, DC Topeka, KS #01-04880 Temporary License Granted with Education 02-03-16
CHENEY, Aaron, DC Topeka, KS #01-04880 License Granted with Education 04-13-16
CHENEY, Aaron, DC Topeka, KS #01-04880 Education Completed, Consent Order Terminated 07-05-16
CLARK, Carolyn, MD Topeka, KS #Postgraduate Permit Pending Postgraduate Permit Granted with Public Censure and Fine 08-12-16
CONNOLLY-WALKER, Richard, DC Overland Park, KS #01-05277 Monitoring Terminated 08-17-16
CRAMER, Vincent, RT Eureka, KS #16-03195 Monitoring 06-16-16
CREECH, Jessica, Stu RT Topeka, KS #19-00572 Special Permit Cancelled 05-03-16
DAVIES, Kimberly, MD Lenexa, KS #04-25902 Education 04-13-16
DEFEBAUGH, Tiffany, OTA Wichita, KS #18-01284 Surrender/Revocation 12-08-16
DHANENS-WOLVERTON, Karen, MD Kansas City, MO #04-36384 Monitoring and Limitation Terminated 06-22-16
DICKIE, James, MD Lenexa, KS #04-27433 Revocation, Costs 06-02-16
DO, Pat Dinh, MD Wichita, KS #04-28594 Education Requirements Completed 05-10-16
DORSCH, Michael A., PA Atwood, KS #15-01596 Revocation. 04-26-16
EDWARDS, Mary J., RT Wichita, KS #16-00059 License Cancelled. 10-03-16
EPPERSON, Greg, MD Kansas City, KS #04-29189 Final Order Terminating Consent Order 06-27-16
ERSKIN, Joel, T., PA Wichita, KS #15-00265 Temporary Suspension 06-10-16
EVANS, Roger, MD Wichita, KS #04-13261 Exempt License, Costs 04-13-16
FLEMING, Robert, MD Andover, KS #04-24941 Monitoring, Probation, Education. 06-24-16
FOTOPOULOS, Constantine, MD Leawood, KS #04-25099 Censure 04-05-16
FOTOPOULOS, Constantine, MD Leawood, KS #04-25099 Costs Paid, Requirements Completed/Terminated, Probation Terminated 06-22-16
FOUST, Joe, PA Coldwater, KS #15-00263 Termination of Limitation 03-08-16
FRANCIS, Anthony, MD Wichita, KS #04-17828 Request for Termination of Limitation Denied 05-02-16
FRANCIS, Anthony, MD Wichita, KS #04-17828 Modification of Limitation Granted 09-06-16
FRYE, Daniel Keith, MD Roeland Park, KS #04-30064 Consent Order Terminated. 06-17-16
GENGLER, Janet, RT Beloit, KS #16-01336 Monitoring terminated 02-22-16
GILL, Jacob D., DC Hutchinson, KS #01-04697 Revocation 07-08-16
GODFREY, Jennifer, PTA   #14-01036 Consent Order Terminated 06-17-16
GOVERNALE, Danielle, Stu RT Blue Springs, MO #19-00552 Special Permit Cancelled 05-03-16
GREEN, Michael Alexander, MD Leawood, KS #01-05401 Consent Order Terminated 08-25-16
GREGG, Nicholas, AT Lexington, NC #Pending Temporary License granted with Censure 02-22-16
GREGG, Nicholas, AT Lexington, NC #24-01091 License granted with Censure 04-13-16
HALL, Dorian, PTA Dodge City, KS #14-02897 License Revoked 03-04-16
HARDEN, Wesley, DC Kingman, KS #01-04589 Monitoring Terminated 01-11-16
HEGARTY, Thomas John, MD Rushmore, MN #04-36965 Monitoring terminated. 11-14-16
HEMME, Alexander, DC Kansas City, MO #01-05779 License granted with Monitoring 02-22-16
HEMME, Alexander, DC Kansas City, MO #01-05779 Modification of requirements granted 11-15-16
HENDRIX, Shawna, LRT Whitewater, KS #22-02309 Temporary License granted with Censure, Essay Requirement 02-22-16
HENDRIX, Shawna, LRT Whitewater, KS #22-02309 Requirements Completed 03-29-16
HENDRIX, Shawna, LRT Whitewater, KS #22-02309 License Granted with Censure 04-13-16
HENSON, Steven, MD Wichita, KS #04-23263 Suspension 02-12-16
HIGGINS, Joel Phillip, DC Hutchinson, KS #01-05563 Monitoring Terminated. 06-17-16
HOWES, Jeremy, MD Wichita, KS #04-32101 Education Requirement Completed 04-15-16
HUNDLEY, David, PTA Topeka, KS #14-02847 Monitoring/Consent Order Terminated 10-28-16
JACKSON, Robert Sean, MD Overland Park, KS #04-28105 Monitoring Terminated 08-17-16
JOHNSON, Kirk, DC Stilwell, KS #01-05021 Fine Paid, Education Completed, Probation Terminated 07-06-16
JONES, J. Rich, PT Olathe, KS #11-03209 Modification of Limitation Granted 05-05-16
JOY, Jason, DC Dodge City, KS #01-04895 Censure, Fine 06-17-16
JOY, Jason, DC Dodge City, KS #01-04895 Fine Paid 08-04-16
KELLEY, Bret, DC Independence, KS #01-05635 Monitoring Terminated 04-15-16
KIM, Sunyoung, Stu RT Overland Park, KS #19-00551 Special Permit Cancelled 05-03-16
KUEHN, Elizabeth, RT South Coffeeville, OK #16-04032 Requirements and Suspension Terminated 01-29-16
LARSEN, Steven B., DPM Hays, KS #12-00229 Suspension. 09-06-16
LOCKE, Alva, RT Kansas City, KS #19-00548 Special Permit Cancelled 05-03-16
LOCKROW, Nicholas Aaron, DC Overland Park, KS #01-05541 Modification of Consent Order granted 02-22-16
MADRIGAL, Jose, RT Anchorage, AK #NA Application for Licensure Denied 07-08-16
MALLARI, Dianne, DC Topeka, KS #01-05159 Monitoring Terminated 04-15-16
MARKOWITZ, Elizabeth, OT Prairie Village, KS #17-03001 Monitoring 10-20-16
MCINTOSH, Marvin, MD Kansas City, KS #04-28352 Limitation, Designation Change, Costs 10-20-16
MCVAY, Kathleen, PTA Lawrence, KS #14-00950 Monitoring 03-07-16
MEARS, Gregory, DO Independence, KS #05-21870 Emergency Limitation 03-07-16
MEARS, Gregory, DO Independence, KS #05-21870 Supervision, Education 06-16-16
MILLER, Dennis W., MD Kansas City, KS #04-19490 Suspension 04-05-16
MILLER, Dennis W., MD Kansas City, KS #04-19490 Costs Paid, Suspension Terminated 04-27-16
MILLER, Dennis W., MD Kansas City, KS #04-19490 License Status Changed to Exempt 06-15-16
MILLER, Frank, DC Kansas City, KS #01-04320 Stay of Suspension 04-15-16
MORGAN, Clyde, DC Rantoul, KS #01-04618 Application for Reinstatement Denied. 04-26-16
NORRIS, Josie, MD Topeka, KS #04-17744 Limitations, Education, Costs, Divestiture. 06-16-16
OKIE, Frederick, MD Woodstock, MD #04-32209 Revocation, Costs. 03-16-16
OSBORN, Ashlie, RT Emporia, KS #16-03343 Fine 03-16-16
OSBORN, Ashlie, RT Emporia, KS #16-03343 Fine paid 04-21-16
PALACIOS, Brandy, PT Kansas City, KS #11-05297 Education Requirement Completed 05-23-16
PALACIOS, Brandy, PT Kansas City, KS #11-05297 License Granted with Censure and Education 04-22-16
PHAM, Truong Cong, DC North Kansas City, MO #01-05125 Suspension, Censure, Probation, Education, Costs 04-12-16
POTTER, Kirk, DO Hays, KS #05-33528 Emergency Suspension 11-04-16
PRESS, Bret, LRT Kansas City, MO #22-00337 Monitoring 10-20-16
PROSE, Thomas M., MD Novi, MI #04-30383 Order Granting Stay of Effectiveness of Final Order 01-26-16
PROSE, Thomas M., MD Novi, MI #04-30383 Order Nunc Pro Tunc 01-14-16
PROSE, Thomas M., MD Novi, MI #04-30383 Final Order 01-11-16
PROVO, Krystin J., DC Kansas City, MO #01-05533 Temp License Granted with Censure, Fine and Monitoring 09-14-16
PROVO, Krystin J., DC Kansas City, MO #01-05533 Censure, Fine, Monitoring 11-15-16
RANDHAWA, Gurpreet S., MD Liberal, KS #04-28472 Education, Monitoring 10-25-16
RICHARDSON, Billy, Jr., MD Horton, KS #04-22073 Limitations, Monitoring. 11-22-16
RICHERSON, Eleonora, OTA Overland Park, KS #18-01211 Monitoring Terminated 08-17-16
SAYEED, Baseer, MD Wichita, KS #04-19625 Education, Limitations, Costs. 12-13-16
SCHUELER, Sindra, AT Lawrence, KS #24-01136 License Granted with Censure 08-25-16
SCHUELER, Sindra, AT Lawrence, KS #Pending Temp License Granted with Censure 06-16-16
SHEAHON, Kyle M., DC Salina, KS #01-05701 Suspension, Monitoring, Education 04-12-16
SHEAHON, Kyle M., DC Salina, KS #01-05701 Temporary Suspension 04-22-16
SHEAHON, Kyle M., DC Salina, KS #01-05701 Suspension, Education, Monitoring 07-18-16
SHEAHON, Kyle M., DC Salina, KS #01-05701 Surrender/Revocation of License 12-07-16
SIMPSON, Brian Scott, PT Kansas City, MO #11-03780 Consent Order Terminated. 04-22-16
SPEARS, Timothy, DO Iola, KS #05-23246 Consent Order Requirements Terminated, Probation Terminated 01-11-16
STANTON, Edward S., MD Sanford, NC #Pending Temp License Granted w/Education 07-11-16
STANTON, Edward S., MD Sanford, NC #04-39463 License Granted w/Education 10-25-16
STANTON, Edward S., MD Sanford, NC #04-39463 Education Completed 10-26-16
STANTON, Jordan, PTA Wichita, KS #14-02440 License Surrendered. 05-23-16
STARKS, Anna, PTA Kansas City, MO #14-02765 PTA Certificate Revoked 02-22-16
STARNES, Dane B., MD Riley, KS #01-05761 Monitoring 09-06-16
SUPPES, Scott, PTA Great Bend, KS #14-02233 Public Censure and Education 06-22-16
TIMSON, Trent, DPM McPherson, KS #12-00301 Requirements completed 01-26-16
VOBORIL, Reggie Jo, M.D. Overland Park, KS #04-29050 Monitoring. 08-16-16
WARD, Aaron, PTA Jetmore, KS Application for Licensure Denied 07-08-16
WATSON, Amanda, AT Neosho, MO #24-01033 License Granted with Censure. 08-25-16
WATSON, Amanda, AT Neosho, MO #24-01033 Temp License Granted with Censure. 06-22-16
WEIS, Kyle, RT Wichita, KS #16-04649 Consent Order terminated 05-02-16
WILLIAMS, Melissa D., PT Wichita, KS #11-03143 Temp License Granted with Censure and Fine 08-25-16
WILLIAMS, Melissa D., PT Wichita, KS #11-03143 License Granted with Censure and Fine 10-25-16
ZICARELLI, Alaina, LRT Kansas City, MO #22-04791 License Cancelled 03-02-16